Oriental Wedding Practices Explained

As an Asian couple getting married, it is important to consider which traditions are best for your big day. A few traditions might not suit you or perhaps your partner, whilst some can be integrated into the day in ways that will make this feel special and unique. This article is exploring some of the most common age-old Asian wedding ceremony traditions which you can use to enhance the wedding party.


Before a couple is officially interested they will often seek advice from a monk, fortune teller or the Chinese diary to select a great auspicious Check Out Your URL date. The date should be chosen carefully as some dates are viewed unfortunate and could cause misfortune.

The next step is submitting the bride price or betrothal gifts to the groom’s family unit. In Cina, this is completed with suan ming (the 8 cyclic characters that speak for the year, month, day and hour of https://www.lovehomeswap.com/ arrival, which identify a man’s fate). After the families want with the match, they indication the betrothal papers plus the girl-to-be will receive a red package filled with funds or jewellery. This is known as hong bao or tegul see in Cantonese.

A tea ceremony to honour the family members for the couple is usually held either during or after the feast day. This is an occasion for the bride and groom to demonstrate their dignity and gratitude for their parents’ love, support and efforts in raising them. A tea set considering the Double Enjoyment symbol is used, which usually contains dark-colored tea with dried longans and two that lotus seeds or red date ranges.