Fondly Remembering Sr. Lizzy George 31 May 2024


Mathew 25:23 says, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness.”

Sister Lizzy George, a radiant beacon of divine love, has ascended to the heavenly realms to share her master’s happiness, leaving the virtue of her exemplary life and indelible mark of her grace and compassion upon our hearts. With a soul as pure as morning dew and a spirit as blemish less as the heavens, she devoted her life to the sacred service of humanity.

Sr. Lizzy George – God’s loving child was born in God’s own country – Kerala, Trichur Dt., at Ollur, to the pious couple Kunjuvareed and Thressiakutty on 12th September 1958. Her father was a business man and her mother was a home-maker. Sr. Lizzy was a second among eight children. She completed her schooling at St. Raphael’s High School, Ollur and her pre-degree at St. Mary’s College, Trichur.

Being the second eldest daughter at home, from the age of 10, she took great care of her family. She helped her mother in running errands outside, looking after her younger brothers and sisters and doing house-hold chores.  Born into a pious family, Sr. Lizzy was blessed to relish Christ since her childhood.  Her uncle was a Salesian Priest and her aunts were missionary nuns. The daily family rituals such as prayers, mass and catechism were nourishments for her spiritual growth as a school student. She looked forward eagerly for the home-visit of her religious aunties and priest uncle because their presence for 15 days at home was considered as a time of special grace for the God-fearing family. Sr. Lizzy’s childhood was blessed in every way.

Her calling was as early as in the 8th standard.  One Wednesday after-noon, when she came home for lunch, she saw her mother carrying an old beggar in her arms into the main hall, as he had fainted in front of the house. She ensured that the man was fine by sprinkling water, giving him coffee and arranged a taxi for him to get home safely. Infact, he was a rich man and the father of 6 boys but was chased out of his house by his daughters-in-law. Sr. Lizzy’s mother considered the beggars’ arrival as the visit of Jesus to the home and ensured that especially on Wednesdays many beggars were given alms at her home. This inspired Sr. Lizzy with a question in her; that if a house-wife could do so much, how much more could a religious person do? It was at that moment that Sr. Lizzy decided to become a missionary.

Inspite of her mother’s disapproval of her decision, it was with the support of her dad, her grandmother together with her priest uncle and religious aunties that she completed her higher studies. Before joining the convent, sister completed her B.A., English Literature in 1983 from Holy Cross College, Tiruchirapalli and B.Ed. in 1985 from Stella Matituna College, Chennai. It is interesting to note that in all her three years of her stay as a student at Holy Cross College hostel she never missed even a single mass as she firmly believed that attending the Eucharistic celebration gave her renewed vigour and vitality to further serve our Lord Jesus.

She wanted to join the FMM congregation, but moved by the kindness of the sisters of the cross and the hospitability her priest uncle received whenever he visited her as a student in the college hostel campus, she decided to join the Holy Cross Congregation. Sister has many a times mentioned that “I am happy about my choice and I thank my God immensely”. Thus, her chosen journey of purpose began with the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Province of Tiruchirapalli.

June 1985 marked her entrance to Pre-Novitiate at Cantonment, Trichy and in June 1986 she joined the Novitiate at Puthur, Trichy where she made her first profession at Puthur, Trichy on 31st May 1988 – this same day 36 years ago.  Today is a witness that at every phase she truly led a Christ- driven life and will continue to inspire us as a spiritually anchored and deeply God fearing person. Since her final profession on 28th May 1996, she has kept herself extremely busy by pursuing higher studies in French.

Between the years 1988 to 1997, Sister served as an English teacher, a history teacher and as a boarding mistress in Little Flower High School, Guntur; St. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School-Vadugarpet; Holy Cross Matriculation School, Vellore and St. Joseph’s Anglo Indian Higher Secondary School, Cantonment.

As an obliging young nun without hesitation Sister ventured into a newer horizon that sooner became her forte of expertise. In 1995, she joined M.A French at Madurai Kamaraj University and later in 2007 completed M.Phil in French from the same University.

Sister Lizzy is most renowned for her valuable service as a dedicated teacher of the French tongue, whose passion and wisdom in the lessons taught by her, transported her students to the French shores. Teaching French since 1997, every nuanced phrase of hers was a joy and every new word was a delight to her spell bound students. For more than two decades, Sr. Lizzy has kindled among hundreds of students, a lifelong, fervent blaze of love for the fantastic French language and culture anew. As the Head of the Department of French, she instilled in young minds the virtues of self-discipline and resilience. Being a strict disciplinarian herself in both personal and professional life, she practiced what she preached. Sister has carved a niche for herself in the portals of the history of annals of Holy Cross College by the dint of her persistent diligence. She also proved her mettle as the Vice Principal from 2014 to 2018 and had also extended her motherly care to the hostel students as a warden since 1999, on and off till 2009. 

While heading the Department of French, Sr. Lizzy George also took up the post of Controller of Examinations from June 2013 to 2014. After a short break she resumed the position in 2017 after which she retired. Yet, sister has continued to serve as the Controller of Examinations till her very last day. Her punctuality was a testament to her respect for time and commitment, reflecting her remarkable dedication that inspired all her colleagues in the Controller’s Office all around her. During her tenure as a Controller of Examinations she was extremely sincere and highly meticulous in her work giving her undivided attention to every single detail, as she felt that even the smallest mistake could adversely affect a student’s life.

Generosity and graciousness were the chief features of her charming persona. Sr. Lizzy was a very patient listener to all the distresses of the workers in the campus. She would not just lend a sympathetic ear but also an empathetic hand to all those who approached her for any help, be it material or spiritual. Her fondness for the adopted children whom she lived with during her stay at Mambalasalai from 2004 to 2015 was seen even long after she was transferred to the Fort community. She used to visit them often and shower them with her motherly affection. There was always a subtle humour she had in her daily conversations and child-like wonder to appreciate simple things. Deeply humane, considerate, simple and prayerful, Sister Lizzy George’s mild nature, clothed in humility, brought forth a gentle breeze of kindness in a world of chaos.

Sr. Lizzy had a fall on the fateful day of 8th May after which her health took a hit. She was given immediate treatment at GVN hospital, Trichy and she was seemingly recuperating. But, then when she took ill again she was taken to Leonard Hospital, Batlagund on the 11th of May where the Sisters of the Cross of Batlagund Community, Province of Madurai had taken good care of her. On 13th May she was transferred to Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai for further medical attention. But, even after 8 days of sterling medical attention there was no visible improvement in her condition. On 22nd May she was brought back to Leonard Hospital, Batlagund where Sr. Lizzy briefly responded to the loving care of the Doctor sisters and care takers. But, unfortunately on 30th her health deteriorated rapidly and in consultation with the Province Animator, it was decided to bring her home to the Fort Community. On her way to Trichy in the ambulance on 30th May around 7:10 a.m. her soul left for its heavenly abode to meet its Maker again. Even though her soul has left the earthly realm, we take comfort in knowing that her soul is now embraced by God’s unconditional love in the heavenly Kingdom.

Sister Lizzy George – YOU- practiced the virtues of poverty and simplicity with unparalleled poise till the end of your life. As a teacher who inspired, a trustworthy friend to be cherished, a role model for your colleagues and a living saint to those who knew you well. Sr Lizzy George, you will always hold a special place in all our hearts just as you hold a special place in heaven now before God whom you served so obediently.

We bid you an affectionate adieu dear Sr. Lizy and assure you that we will miss you till we meet in heaven.


Your loving Sisters of Nazareth Community,

Fort, Tiruchirapalli.

A loving Tribute to our beloved Sr. Arul Arockia Mary


“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Albert Einstein

This quote is fitting for our dear Sr. Arul Arockia Mary. “God loves a cheerful giver” – 2 Cor 9:7. She made it real in her life through her pleasant demeanor, joyful service and availability. She was a woman of God who loved the poor and needy.

Sr. Arul Arockia Mary was born in Vellode, Dindigul, in a spiritual and happy family as the 2nd child in the family of 5 (One elder brother and two younger sisters and a brother). Blessed with a spiritual and disciplined Father (Teacher) Mr. Arulanandam, an empowered and pious Mother Mrs. Christina Arockia Mary, affectionate brothers and sisters and a host of loving relatives, she grew up as a joyous and contented child. The family prayers in the morning and night became a seed ground for her vocation.

When she was in Std. XII, she attended a retreat and she heard the voice of the Lord through the verse from the Bible “I am the Vine, you are the branches”. Captured by these life-giving words she wanted to give herself to the Lord and joined the Sisters of the Cross in 1982. She pronounced her First Vows in 1985 and the Final commitment in 1993.

Sr. Arul began her Apostolic life in the year 1985 at Palani, as Office Assistant, in 1986 plunged in to the ministry of Social Work at Oddanchatram and from 1987-89 Hostel Warden at Vadugarpet. She started her Teaching in the year 1990 at Vellore. After qualifying herself as a Tamil Pandit at Lady Wellington College, Chennai, as a full pledged teacher she worked in R.C. Butterworth School, Trichy, St. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School, Vadugarpet, St. James Middle School, Kovandakurichi and St. Joseph’s Girl’s Hr. Sec. School, Golden Rock, and Holy Cross Girl’s Hr. Secondary School, Fort. In 1994 she pursued her Biblical studies at Tindivanam.

From 1995 to 2003 she worked as a teacher in Kovandakurichy, Golden Rock and Fort. From 2004 till 2023 she worked as Headmistress at Kovandakurichi, Vadugarpet, Kumbakonam, Viralimalai and again she came to Kovandakurichi. Here she became sick. At the age of 59 after serving the Congregation for 38 years Sister Arul has to say her final “Yes” to her beloved whom she ardently loved and served.

Sr. Arul is humble down to earth and easy to relate and has the capacity to make anyone feel at home in her company. She treats everyone with dignity, for her all are God’s children. Through her creative ways, ability to sing and speak, she could capture the attention of the youth and guide them towards their ultimate goal. As a teacher throughout her religious life, Sister had to unlock the human capacities and to bring out the best in her students. She was an efficient teacher who had the knack for teaching and administration. True to her vocation as a Sister of the Cross, after the example of Mother Claudine, she had the great zeal to teach Catechism to the children and the youth. With motherly heart she was able to create a sense of confidence in her children. She knew how to handle the problems. She had a spice of humour to add to her gentleness and love.

A person with a sensitive heart, reached out to the families of her students and the families of the parishners in times of their trouble and misery. Because of her loving nature she became part of many families. Sister had a cheerful disposition all through her life which attracted the children and the people to her. She was simple in her approach, kind in her dealings and committed in her service. Her humorous and witty ways kept the community alive. Her friendly manner of going about endeared her to everyone. When the people wanted her to visit their families and she did fulfil their request time and again with joy. She often repeats ‘It is futile to do many tasks without living a witnessing life.’ And she lived it to the full till the end of her life.

On 30th May 2023, it was found that Sr. Arul was suffering from Cancer. Her deep faith in the Lord and strong will power enabled her to go through the ordeal. She was treated in GVN Hospital, Mambalasalai, Trichy. During this period of her illness, she intensified her relationship with the Crucified Lord. On 26th Sep, Sr. Arul requested the superior of Mambalasalai community to arrange for confession and last sacrament. On the same day evening she made her confession and received the last sacrament and prepared herself to meet her master. On 27th September at 3.00pm Sister experienced severe pain and was readmitted in the hospital. Around 9.30pm, she struggled with severe breathlessness, and her oxygen level was dropping rapidly, immediately she was shifted to ICU. Despite administering 6 liters of oxygen, her saturation level did not improve. On 28th morning around 11am the doctor informed that all her vital organs are affected due to the spread of cancer cells and further treatment was not possible. Therefore, we were in the process of transferring her to Fort Community. While four of our sisters and her brother were praying for her on the way in the ambulance, at 1:50 pm, the final moment arrived and she breathed her last a few minutes before reaching the community.

Dear Arul, we miss your hearty laughter. A voice which we loved is stilled. But we believe that you are only just away. Though you have wandered into another land you are still with us here always. We your loving Sisters from far and near, along with your beloved family members, friends, well-wishers and relatives bid adieu for a while till we meet on the other shore. May the joyful example of your life give birth to good vocation to the Church and Congregation. May the remembrance of your life with us, inspire us anew to live our commitment to Christ with greater joy, generosity and love. May the Lord grant you eternal rest and take you in the blessed company of Angels and Saints. We thank you for all that you had been to us.

We take this opportunity to thank the members of Sr. Arul’s family for their sacrifice in giving their beloved daughter to the family of the Sisters of the Cross.

Teary eyed we say good bye. We love you Arul, we miss you.

Your loving Sisters of the Province of Trichy

Eulogy of Sr.Roseline Pampackal


Farewell to our dear Sr. Rosaline

Happy are those who die in the Lord, happy indeed the Spirit says, “Now they can rest forever after their work, since their good deeds go with them”. Rev. 4:23.

Fortunate are we who are present here to attend the funeral service of a saintly person. Like the gentle glow of the setting sun, Sr. Rosaline departed softly, silently and effortlessly around 9.30 am, Yesterday (03.03.2023). She attended the Holy Mass in the morning, received the Lord whose presence she always cherished, her last words to Sr,Regina Mary was ‘I am going to pray, you pray for me’ and she went to her room and around 9.30am in her sleep she passed away, this shows what Sr. Rosaline is.

There was great Joy and excitement on 21st September 1932 in the family of Mr. Mathew Pampackal and Mrs. Mariamma, as they welcomed their first born at Palai, Kerala. They had 10 children, 4 boys and 6 girls. Her parents were very pious and instilled the fear of God in their children. Family prayers in the morning and evening and the daily Eucharist nourished their lives.

Her Primary education was at Little Flower School owned by CMC Sisters at Mundankal. Middle and High School was with the F.C.C. Sisters. After the completion of her S.S.L.C. Examination, Sr. Rosaline joined the Band of the Sisters of the Cross, through the instrumentality of her Aunt, late Sr. Marie Celine. Younger Sisters Sr. Claris and Sr. Macarias joined the CMC Congregation. These two Sisters went before their eldest Sr. Rosaline to welcome her to sing the praises of God for all eternity.

Today, we take time to salute Sr. Rosaline for her contribution to the Growth of the Congregation and the communities that she lived in. Sr. Rosaline entered Postulancy in 1953 and pronounced her First Vows in 1956 and Final in 1959.

Sr. Rosaline served the Congregation in different Capacities – as Teacher, Headmistress, Superior, Postulant Mistress, Asst. Novice Mistress, Delegation Superior and Secretary to the Bishop of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. Her Theological studies at Regina Mundi, Rome from 1970-1973, gave her great impetus to cross the frontiers to work in Tanzania as a Missionary from 1979-1981 as one of the Pioneers to start the Mission in the East African soil in Tanzania. Sister had the privilege to teach in the Seminary and formed many holy Priests for the African mission.

Through her service of love, dedication and concern for the Sisters she facilitated fruitful apostolic involvement of her community, wherever she had been posted. She was fortunate to work at Vadugarpet, Tuticorin, Vellore, Hyderabad, Bapatla and Nandiraju Thota. The zestful and lively labour of her youthful days, sense of commitment and faithful service of her adult years, humble and submissive act of her community life, charitable and disciplined holy life, childlikeness in her attitude in accepting God’s designs, life experience of long years lived in cheerfulness and gratitude even in her old age are the real heritage Sister has left to all of us. Sister had toiled in the Vineyard of the Lord as an educationist, Administrator, Mentor, she gave her very best, for her deepest desire as expressed by her, “to burn out like a candle till it finishes itself.”

Sr. Rosaline had a cheerful disposition all through her life which attracted the students, teachers and the people to her. She was simple in her approach, kind in her dealings and committed in service. Her humorous and witty ways kept the community alive. Sister was a daring person who could face challenging situations with courage and determination. She was a woman of faith and prayer who gave importance to spiritual activities in her personal life and in her mission. She fulfilled the tasks entrusted to her with a sense of responsibility and spirit of dedication. Person with sensitive heart, reached out to the families of her students, teachers, sisters and others in time of their trouble and crisis. Her qualities of neatness, cleanliness, orderliness, punctuality, listening keenly with commitment and dedication were the hall mark of her life. She was always supportive and understanding towards the formees in the community. She encouraged them in their vocation and taught them to have a positive outlook towards life. She possessed within her a childlike spirit which stayed with her till the end.

Sr. Rosaline was blessed with the passionate love for God. Her deep attachment was evident in her words and deeds. Sister lived a profound life of Prayer. Prayer was her breath, her oxygen and her source of hope. Eucharist and Rosary were her constant companions as life’s journey.

In 2015, Sr. Rosaline came from Andhra Delegation after her very active involvement in the mission as she was sick. She was transferred to Mambalasalai, Tamil Nadu for Rest and Prayer. Even in her old age and sickness she was longing to go back to Andhra to do evangelization. From there in 2018 moved to Ashirvad for her intense preparation to meet her beloved. The appointed day for Sr. Rosaline to answer God’s final call came on 3rd March 2023 after 67 years of fruitful service in the vineyard of the Lord. We thank the Lord for the gift of 91 years of her generous service to the humanity.

Dear Sr. Rosaline your spiritual stamina, authentic life, deep sense of optimism has been a source of inspiration to all of us in the community. You bloomed as a beautiful flower in the garden of Sisters of the Cross, and now you continue to beautify it by your heavenly presence. We, your dear Sisters from far and near along with the members of your family and friends bid you a loving adieu. May you enjoy the fullness of the heavenly bliss in the Celestial company of the Holy Trinity, Blessed Mother Mary and all the Angels and Saints who have received you into their arms of love. We wish you a fond adieu and request you to intercede for us till we meet again in our Father’s home.

At this juncture, we express our debt of gratitude to the members of Pampackal family for their generous contribution to sacrifice their first born to the family of Holy Cross. May the good Lord reward you immensely.

Fond adieu dear Sr. Rosaline!

Sisters of Ashirvad Community
Trichy -17


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