30th December 2020 marked an awesome day in the history of ‘POWER’ the Social Centre at Viralimalai as it celebrated the 25th year of it’s birth. Jubilee year is a year of thanksgiving to the Almighty God who blessed immensely with showers of light and encouragement to delve into the untrodden paths in creating the space for the last and least in the society.
POWER stands for Participation and Organisation of Women for Empowering Rural India. This social centre was started on 5th July 1995 by Rev. Sr. Josephine Chinnarani, Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Province of Trichy, in view of women empowerment among the illiterate and rural women.
The main aim is to organise the rural women to SHG (self-help groups) and make them participate or participant of their own development – economically, socially and culturally. This development includes not only the women but also their children since they are the future citizens of our country. Hence we have study centers for the children in our project area.
The celebrations began with the blessing of newly built Claudine Training Hall by Fr. S. Melchior, the Par ish priest, Viralimalai, and cutting of the Ribbon by Rev. Sr. Jyothi Selvaraj, the provincial of the province of Trichy. 25 years is not just a stone to cross over rather it has taken lots of hurdles.
The great and awaited events of the Jubilee celebration began by invoking the presence of God with the multi-religious symbols and the lighting of the lamp. The chief guest of the day Sr. Jyothi Selvaraj, the provincial of the Province of Trichy, the speaker Mrs. S. Sundaravalli the Social activist, the guest of honor Rev. Sr. I. Josephine Chinna Rani, the director of SOC SEAD and the founder of ‘POWER’, Rev.Fr. Paul Mike, the director of IDEAS, Madurai, Rev. Fr. Eugene, the Vicar General of the Diocese of Trichy and Mr.M Palaniyappan, the businessman, Viralimalai were warmly welcomed by Rev. Sr. Jeyarani the Director of POWER. All the invitees were honoured with a shawl and a Momento.

The highlights of the day’s programme were the release of the Silver Jubilee souvenir, screening of a fabulous documentary to the audience, release of the flag for POWER Social Centre and the cash of Rs.1,50,000/- for the education of the poor children handed over to Sr.Jeyarani, the director by the women federation of POWER.
The Children of POWER entertained the audience with their colourful cultural performance like Kummi, kolattam, Thappattam, songs, dances and skit on the theme ‘love one another’. The jubilee celebration ended with distribution of coconut saplings to 1200 women. May the silver bells continue to ring in the minds and hearts of the poor and the downtrodden of the society through POWER to witness the Golden years.