NEST School for the Children with Autism was founded by the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Province of Trichy. It was started in July 2002 as a “Need based Education Service and Training”. This been the centennial gift of St. Joseph’s Anglo Indian Girls Hr. Sec. School to the society at large. The registration number is U/S 52 of PWD Act, 1995 and the RC number is 7028/RD. 11- 4/2008.
The institution of Rehabilitation Science, Holy Cross College, Trichy offers professional guidance and support for the services.
This school is specially designed to help children with Autism. Autism is a developmental disability preventing proper understanding of what is seen and heard.
Autism is Trainable
Early diagnosis and the training are very important for the development of the child. There is no definite method of treatment for all the children with Autism, because each child’s residual ability is different, hence the need is to be diagnosed and helped accordingly. Autism is frequent among males than females. Children with Autism possess some of the following characteristics;
- Shows delayed developmental milestones.
- Communication and interaction difficulties.
- Learning difficulties
Hence early intervention plays a major role. This school offers excellent services to uplift the life of the children with Autism.
Therapeutic areas
Sand Therapy:
This therapy stimulates in the fine motor skills for writing, grasping, and activates the circulatory system and nervous system. Sand therapy also increases the immune power of the individual. This therapy stimulates the sensitive power for the children.

Hydro Therapy:
It is a fun giving therapy where children feel no pain. The children enjoy an attention span and speech develops. It makes the body muscles flexible. An initial step is taken for the individual to train them for swimming.

Speech Therapy:
The autistic child needs to learn to use the language in a meaningful way. So we train them to communicate in a meaningful and reasonable way. Since most of the autistic individuals lack vocal speech, we train them both verbally and non-verbally.

Play Therapy:
It increases social, emotional, cognitive and communication development. It determines the individual’s learning style and interaction pattern. It also improves the fine motor and gross motor skills of the children. Moreover, the balance system of the individual is improved and increased.

Physiotherapy works in improving gross motor skills of our special children. It aims to reduce the spasticity and tightness of the individuals. Moreover it also helps to reduce the hyperactivity of the children

Occupational Therapy:
It commonly focuses on improving five motor skills, such as brushing teeth, feeding, writing and sensory motor skills that includes balance, awareness of body, position and touch.

Music and Dance Therapy:
Individual with autism has a special ability in music. Musical activity can give children with autism, opportunities to interact, communicate and express themselves. It increases awareness of oneself and others. Dance therapy increases the motor skills, memory power, and eye-hand co-ordination and also reduces hyper activity, whereas the child develops a leadership quality and has no stage fear.

Yoga and Exercise:
This helps the students as mind refresher and relaxes the body tightness, increases the attention span, reduces hyperactivity. It also helps to reduce obesity.

Art and Craft:
Art and Craft helps the children to be creative. It improves the imaginary skills and it helps them to learn the entire concept through craft work. Through frequent experiences in painting, drawing, modelling, printing and construction the emotional and physical needs can be satisfied. There by creating a feeling of confidence in the ability and a feeling of worth as an individual.

Sensory Integration:
Children with autism have problems with sense organs. They may have hypo sense or hyper sense. Sensory integration develops manipulation skill by feeling the materials. It improves all the senses in the sense organs such as visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory and intact ion.

Self-defensive technic Silambam:

Pre- Vocational Training:
The main aim is to make the citizen productive and an independent individual. So training is given in all the activities to make them independent. Activities such as cooking, preparing wall hanging, pot painting, OHP painting, garland making, imitation jewellery making, glass painting, pen stand making, decorative materials etc.

Exposure moulds a person and it is the best teacher, we take our students to various places to learn socialization, acceptable behaviour and also to learn life span skills.

Special Education:
Each individual is assessed with the tools named DSMIV and FACP (functional Assessment check list Programme). Based on their I.Q level each student is categorised and educated individually according to their basic needs.