Flying along the star path: Startrek starships

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The number of starship models in the Star Trek universe is comparable, perhaps with the number of stars in the sky. Even today, many all sorts of devices fly into space from the Earth. And what will be two hundred years old, and even if there are dozens of rational races actively mastering space?

Let people not be the first to go to the stars, but they did it without any help. Having mastered flights at light speeds, our descendants were able to establish the first contact, on equal terms to enter the galactic community and repeatedly visit where a person’s foot did not step.


The name of the first and most famous earthly starship is more than symbolic: it literally rebelled from the ashes of the Third World War. The creator of “Phoenix” Zefram Kokhrain designed it on the basis of an intercontinental missile – improvised material that has remained since the nuclear nightmare. “Phoenix” with three crew members on board started on April 5, 2063 and soon became a participant in the first human contact in the modern history with an alien race – volcanoes.



Year of creation: 2151

Captain: Jonathan Archer

After the success of the Phoenix, earthlings thought about serial starship. The first ships to investigate the space space around the solar system were classmate of class NX. The seven -false ship was equipped with an experimental transmitter of matter "by the beam" (transporter). There were plasma and phase guns in the arsenal, and in case of detection of those in a potential enemy, the corps was armored and polarized.

Class NX ships could move at the speed of the warp-5, that is, approximately 125 times faster than the light. It was on these starships that earthlings made the main discoveries of the XXII century and made contact with many other races. The latter NX was dismantled only in 2223.

Starships of the Federation

Erasing the political boundaries on Earth, people brought the desire to unite and into space. Already in 2161, on the initiative of mankind, the federation was formed, and the creation of new starships became common to all reasonable races entered in it. In honor of the first of the NX, many head ships of new episodes were also called "Enterprise".



Year of creation: 2245

Captains: Robert April, Christopher Pike, James T. Kirk, Spock

Constitution, probably the most famous class of starships in the entire history of the Federation. At the beginning of the XXIII century, it was rightfully considered the fastest and powerful ship of the star fleet: twenty-one decks, anger for shuttles and an engine that can disperse the starship to the speed of the VARP-6.45. Constitution class ships were designed for long -term research missions without external support.

Enterprise-NCC-1701 (modified)

Year of Modification: 2271

Captain: James t. Kirk

After the five -year mission, Enterprise was very modified: the gondolas of curvature, most of the casing and internal equipment were completely replaced. The speed of the ship increased to warp-7.2. In 2286, Enterprise-NCC-1701-A appeared, which outwardly did not differ from the previous version, but with the “filling” updated according to the latest technology.


The Miranda class was developed at the end of the XXIII century, primarily as a scientific ship, which, however, can stand up for itself. In battles, starships of this class are used as support ships and as a means of combating similar enemy vessels. For more than ninety years of operation, the Miranda class has experienced three main and many minor modernizations.


Constellation began to be produced in 2283, when the star fleet needed fast starships with powerful engines that could quickly reach external borders of the rapidly expanding federation. It was assumed that four curvature gonders would give Constellation a significant increase in speed and will improve the efficiency of 15% at medium speeds by 15%. However, in attempts to achieve only developers immediately made many mistakes, which were then repeatedly detected in operation.


ExcelSior class history consists of continuous alterations. The engines of the new system, transcurp, were originally installed on the ship, but their launch was supposed to lead to the explosion of Gondol. Only an accident saved a starship from destruction. After a long work on this problem, a modernized ship was represented in 2286, but its launch was unsuccessful. In the end, the command of the star fleet canceled the Transcward project completely, and the starship went out into space with conventional warp-engineers.



Year of creation: 2344

Captain: Rachel Herrett

Ambassador was developed as a diplomatic and at the same time a warship. There were twenty -eight large laboratories on the starship, which made this class convenient for research work. Also, "Ambassadors" were equipped with new high -precision sensors and new weapons, such as phaser batteries and high -speed torpedo vehicles. The production of ships of this class was suspended in 2357, as a new class was created – Galaxy. In total, sixty -eight "Ambassadors" were built.



Year of creation: 2364

Captain: Jean-Luk Picard

The Galaxy project, starting in 2347, was supposed to replace outdated models. In general, Galaxy class ships were like their colleagues of the Nebula class, but were much more. The inner area of ​​the ship was 800,000 square meters. There were many laboratories on board, therefore, along with the main mission, the starship could perform scientific research. The latest technologies were used on the ship – such as a holopound, a sensor system, improved photon torpedoes. The Galaxy flew at the speed of the Warp-9.2, and its "saucer" could be separated from the engineering part.


Nebula class was launched in the 2350s. The project was developed in parallel with Galaxy, so identical systems were installed on them. This made it possible to significantly improve Nebula class. On ships of this class, the engineering building is installed directly behind the “plate” to save two hundred meters long. In operation, starships showed themselves perfectly and played a significant role in the scientific and research programs of the Star Fleet. Nebula modernized starship develops the maximum speed of Warp-9.9.


Defiant was developed in 2365 as a ship capable of resisting Borgov ships. The project provided for new weapons modules, such as quantum torpedoes and a pulse phase gun. It was supposed to create a small and hardy ship with the most possible gun force. However, the project did not justify itself and was closed.


Intrasid class was commissioned in 2369. In addition to the streamlined shape, starships of this class were distinguished by a variable geometry Gondol of curvature and the most modern weapons systems. New bioneiron schemes allowed the ship's sensors to exchange data with computers at extremely high speeds. The ship was able to sit on the surface of the planet or other space body, which made it independent of the work of shuttles or conveyor.

Since Interedid starships could not carry a large number of torpedoes and supply powerful phaser batteries, the star fleet used them as scouts. But the development was long terminated when it became known that the ship of this class of USS Voyager disappeared on the first task.



Year of creation: 2372

Captain: Jean-Luk Picard

Sovereign class development began in 2338. It was originally planned to make it similar to Ambassador, but to greatly increase combat power. During modernizations of 2350, 2355 and in 2360, many Galaxy class systems, such as gondolas and curvature core, were included in Sovereign. The decisive event to launch Sovereign into serial production was the first contact with the Borgam in 2365.

The main weapon of the starship was phaser batteries like XII, which allowed to conduct 60% more powerful fire than Galaxy class phasers. The Sovereign protective system was designed specifically to resist high -energy power rays and phase polarized particles – weapons used by Borgi and Dominion. The speed of the vessel was the warp-9.99.

Star bases

For many years, the star fleet depended greatly on the space bases, where the ships could build, repair and supply resources. If at the beginning of the era of space development of the star base there were nothing more than transshipment points, then by the middle of the XXIII century people realized the need to create large bases, essentially small orbital cities. In the XXIV century, the production of ships was switched to stellar docks, and the vacant internal space of stations was used to improve the living conditions of the crew. In addition, space stations form the defense network of the Federation.

► Cosmic dock in the orbit of the Earth.

Deep Space Nine

Year of creation: 2351

One of the most interesting stations under the control of the Federation is the unique Deep Space Nine. Was created by cardassia in orbit of the planet Bajor to process minerals. When the occupation of Bajora ended, the Kardassians left the station, and the Bajor residents asked the Federation to help in managing this space object. And when an artificial wormhole created by the unknown race was formed near Deep Space Nine, the station became the main stop for starships flying into a quadrant of gamut.

Ships of the Klingon empire

Starships of this warlike race match her: maneuverable, armed to the teeth and well -protected. Clingons prefer to give the interior not under the laboratories, but for barracks for assault detachments.


The stronghold of the military power of the Klinon Fleet at the end of the XXIII century, the class K’T’INGA was commissioned in 2269. Two installations for photon torpedoes of high power and new dizraptors developed for this project were placed on the ship. The powerful core of the curvator and new gondolas allowed to significantly increase the speed and maneuverability of the starship in different flight modes. The class was repeatedly modernized, and its modifications remained as part of the Imperial Fleet until the 2370s.

Bird of Prey

Throughout the Cold War, many Klingon ships worked as scouts between the federation and the Clingon Empire, moving through the federation and attacked poorly protected objects. In this role, the Bird of Prey starship was very dangerous for the federation, since, like the same Romulan ships, they were equipped with invisibility generators. However, the advantage of "invisible" was lost after the invention of the federation of self -leading photon torpedoes.

The appearance of Bird of Prey is typical for Klinon ships. The main torpedo apparatus is located at the front point of the case, behind it is a command cabin and cabins. In the rear of the ship there were engineering and cargo compartments, as well as an emergency torpedo apparatus. The wings allow the ship to move in the atmosphere, the planting device is also provided. Thus, Bird of Prey was the first ship with a warp engine capable of sitting on planets.


Outwardly not distinguishable from Bird of Prey, B’Rel was three times longer, which already attributes it to the category of cruisers. Due to the increase in size, the designers placed two more main and three emergency torpedo installations on the ship, increased the number of dysraptor guns from two to eight, strengthened the armor and modernized the rest of the systems. B’Rel class entered the service in 2327.


Vor’Cha was conceived as a worthy successor of the K’T’INGA class, as well as as the answer of the Klingons on the Ambassador Federation. The project was approved in 2332 and immediately ran into a number of technical difficulties. While they were overcome, the star fleet began to design the new Nebula class, which promised to surpass Vor’Cha in many ways. There were no choice for the Clingons how to return to the original drawings and finalize the project. It was supposed to strengthen armor in the core of the sparks, gondol and platforms with weapons, as well as create a quick -shot torpedo complex.

The construction of ships of the redesigned class Vor’Cha began in 2345. New starships entered the service in 2351, three years before the release of the first Nebula. Initially, the Klinonsky ship was more powerful than the analogue of the Federation, but shortly after the Nebula class was modernized and equipped with a more slaughter weapon, including antimatter emitter, the clinings lost the advantage. The appearance of the Galaxy Federation has finally changed the balance of power, and the Vor’Cha class began to be rapidly outdated.


The first class of the class, built in the 2360s, differed from previous Klinon starships with enhanced protection and weapons. NEGH’VAR class borrowed a system of shields from the Klinonsky orbital platforms, and its double hull from Dyurania and Trinitani is strengthened by twenty -five centimeters of high -strength armor. The cruiser carries enough weapons and supplies on board so that its assault detachments can without a break to fight on the surface of the planets for up to ten days. If necessary, Negh’var can support the ground forces of the orbital bombardment or teleportation of additional weapons. Launched into mass Cosmobet sister sites production in 2371, Negh’Var is rightfully considered the flagship of the Klinon Fleet.

Ships of the Romulans Star Empire

The Romulan fleet consisted of a variety of ships: scouts, research vessels, even remotely controlled starships. But the most military models brought the greatest glory of this empire.

Bird of Prey

One of the most interesting models of the 2260s, Bird of Prey was the first military vessel equipped with invisibility generator. Its other plus was firepower. Cons – low speed and limited range. A power field, selectively deflecting light and other impulses (like radar signals), requires a huge amount of energy, therefore, in the invisibility mode, Bird of Prey can neither open fire nor raise the shields.

A similar class of ships at the Klingons appeared thanks to the deal with the Romulans. In exchange for invisibility technology, the Romulan Empire received several heavy cruisers D-7, which quickly became the core of its fleet.

D’ Deridex

Outwardly overwhelming sizes and power of the ships of the class d’ Deridex are deceptive. Most of these starships have the interior of the internal space is occupied by landing and auxiliary equipment. Although D’A -Deridex dysraptors make a strong impression, they are significantly superior to the phaser batteries of the star fleet. Over the past few years, the Federation has also achieved significant success in counteracting the technology of invisibility.

Vulcan starships

The first alien spaceship that people faced was the Vulcan T’Plana-Shaath. He landed at the starting platform "Phoenix", and so the first contact of two races took place on Earth. Vulcan starships are distinguished by an elongated corps and a ring-shaped gondola of a warp engine. Although the cylindrical gondola used in the federation of the Federation is recognized as more effective, the Gondols of the Vulcan residents remain competitive.


Surak class ships prevailed in the Vulcan Fleet of the XXII century and much exceeded the ships of people of that time. The starship could accelerate to the speed of the Warp-6.5 and was equipped with a power beam and refining shields.


Outwardly similar to Surak class ships, these starships were larger and better armed. SH’RAAN with the speed of Varp-7-the fastest Vulcan ship of the XXII century.

Geometric bodies of the Borgs

Although the Borgs also had starships of less exotic form, first of all, the star expansion of this race is associated with cubes and spheres.

Cube of the Borgov

These colossal starships are located on the front edge of the cyborg invasion. Cube is able to assimilate everything in its path: metal, organic life forms, equipment in a few hours are completely integrated into the Borgov ship, replenishing its fuel reserves and other resources. The enemy starships Cuba simply tears into pieces, and the planets completely devastate.

All services are evenly distributed on the ship. The starship is protected by the adapting system of shields: you never know what power of the weapon can break through them. Decentralized systems allow the ship to withstand severe damage: the cube continues to function if 80% of the vessel is destroyed. And even if the main functions of the ship are impaired, recovery systems based on nanotechnologies will work. And for the full control of the cube, several crew members are enough.

At the same time, over time, weaknesses of the cube were discovered. For example, with a constant bombardment of particles, the central energy network of the ship can be installed on the reverse cycle, after which the cube will be self -destroyed.

The sphere of the Borgs

The sphere is much less than a cube – about 500-700 meters in diameter – and more noticeably more vulnerable. These ships are located inside the cube and leave it through the central hatch. Areas are better adapted to rapidly changing conditions and become necessary in emergency situations. Judging by the fact that they carry light weapons and are not so well protected, it can be assumed that the standard areas are designed for research or intelligence tasks.

* * *

Now you imagine what controlled objects plow the spaces of the cosmos in the XXIV century, and you will not feel uneducated by a rustic, if you suddenly survive until this time. Well, if you expect to take an exam on a spaceship in the distant future, you can always find information you are interested in – from the color of the overall lights on the Romulan cruisers to the capacity of Deep Space Nine in Tribble – in the World Information Network.

Even more articles about "start -up" | The official website of the film