Demon Master Chris
Lightning Warrior Raidy
Sakura Spirit
Pokemon series
Series Might & Magic
Sakura Dungeon – Representative of the genre Eroge, erotic content of the most often made in the style of anime. . Unlike other entertainment of this kind, where, as a rule, the gameplay is actually not, Sakura Dungeon belongs to the ancient and still revered in the east of Dungeon Crawler in its now archaic (times of the late 1990s) option.
. The version from Steam is subjected to censorship, so that nothing illegal in it can be by definition, because all the shameful places of the heroines are always covered by skillfully placed rakes of clothing. .
What if tomorrow they will ban the images of ladies in a bikini?..
Madam no one
Yomi stayed in captivity for hundreds of years, but once an adventurer of Tseri's adventure came across her “prison”. Having freed the ancient spirit of the fox from imprisonment, the warrior could not overcome him. But instead of breaking the girl to pieces, Yomi makes her his subordinate. Once a great and mighty mistress of a huge dungeon now, without outside help, is hardly to cope with the forces that captured her favorite caves. Tseri is only the first “volunteer” in a long row of people, monsters and other creatures that will help the ruled ruler to return the property belonging to her by right.
► everyone loves the hostess. By the way, she is also many … hmm … loves.
► Each time the heroines start a conversation, all their companions are sure to express an opinion on the issue under discussion.
!) catacombs, but yomi is a good and fair being. !
Although from the point of view of the mechanics of Sakura Dungeon – first of all, the role -playing game, with step -by -step battles, spend time on it, say, fans of the recent Magic X Or a magnificent dilogy Legend of Grimrock Not worth it. . A kind of traditional "visual novel", strongly diluted by the study of confusing locations.
► Each monster and almost all other characters have no more than one character trait. This warrior with a spear is just a cold -blooded warrior with a spear. By the way, in the background is not a flat decoration that consists of the whole village. The first -person view allows the classic "dungeon" RPG to instantly turn into. And vice versa.
► And so every time: at first they promise to destroy us ..
► … and then all the clothes are torn on them.
Deep immersion
Underground, the game is already less like "harems". Dark corridors would not have prevented the variety of wall textures, but such shortcomings are fully compensated by rich bestialism. Almost every level is attacked by some new miracle in feathers: roller girls, cat girls, girls with spears, girls from ancient Egyptian mythology (even if it was not girls there). Do not be surprised, because we have Eroge, so there are no men in the world of Sakura Dungeon in principle, and all the ladies have a form of respect for forms.
► We will spend a lot of time in the village, because with the development of the plot we will open more and more “peaceful” scenes.
It’s easy to fight with them – but this is not a compliment to the combat system, on the contrary. If at first it still makes sense to cunning and adapt to opponents, delve into the essence of different glasses (actions and concentrations), then over time patience and work take their own: there is nothing that can not be dealt with with the help of grind. The main thing is to remember the simple principle: the faster the robe of the next monster will tear, the less chance he has to win.
Going into the ominous bowels, the Yomi team caught new witches and killers, who, after a short conversation in a specially equipped dungeon, will stand under the banners of the only legitimate mistress of these lands. And it seems that there is nothing special in everything described: the next depraved VN, mixed with boring laid dungeons, and even without the distribution of abilities, buying new armor and swords.
But Sakura Dungeon is not so simple. Firstly, the authors tried to make all levels really different. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the set is not bad: teleports Paradise8 sister sites, stairs, invisible doors, traps and other objects and tricks, introducing such an important diversity.
► some levels are quite confusing. Enemies, as a rule, are stronger at two or four levels, so stripping the last stages takes a lot of time.
► AP scale performs two functions. Firstly, these are the glasses of action necessary for all attacks and spells. Some still require CP – Concentration Power. Secondly, AP are used to evade attacks. The system is curious (even by the standards of real role -playing), but deliberately simplified.
► For such games, this is completely normal: Yomi told Tseri that with the help of a special object (camera), she will be able to improve her combat skills. Only the subject needs … pose. Naturally, Yomi shamelessly lied.
Secondly, although exclusively consumables are sold in the local shop, and the levels of party members are growing on their own as the opposition destroy, the player has the opportunity to influence both the characteristics of the characters and their appearance. Well, let's say, only yomi and ceri can change clothes (although it will have to be found first), but you can increase the parameters any ward. Periodically you will come across objects that allow you to permanently raise some characteristic. Over time, some of them will appear in a village shop. And the extra score in any column in the character window here is as important as in D&D.
In addition, a scroll with a spell is sometimes found, which can be taught at least a hero, at least a monster. But the personnel turnover is high (why keep in the front row of a rabbit when you already have a panda?), there are very few cells for skills, and the benefits of grinds are largely compensated by the lack of any spell.
► Heroes can flaunt almost in one thread. How so, why does this not affect the defense indicators? The explanation is simple: magic.
► There are few objects in the dungeons: walls, icons of “obligatory battles” (as if random are not enough), chests … Of course, by the standards of the rookie is weak. But to whom it occurred to say that Sakura Dungeon is primarily a role?
It is important not to succumb to illusions: Sakura Dungeon is not designed for role -players with experience, but for lovers of "strawberries" (including Japanese). The first to surprise neither the plot, nor battles, nor the layout of levels, and the visual style will probably even be annoying. The latter will receive not only good VU with high -quality piquant pictures, but far from the worst role -in -law game.
- The abundance of monsters that can be caught and forced to fight for yourself;
- decent level design;
- abundance of content (including after an imaginary finale);
- Successful dilution of the visual novel by RPG elements about stripping dungeons.
- fighting should be more difficult;
- insufficient control over the development of characters;
- Only two main characters can be changed.
How we played
What: The game is provided by the publisher. On what: PC How many: Twenty -three hours for full passage.
"Achivka" of the editorial office
From 3 to 10
Never download “restoration patches” for erotic games sold in Steam. Never.
About localization
English game. The characters are not voiced in it.
Site assessment
A very worthy erotic game – namely a game, not a set of static pictures. Connoisseurs of solid role -playing projects have nothing to do here, but lovers of pretty ladies will have to work hard to see all the beauties of Sakura Dungeon.