When to Cut Ties with Your Agent
Okay, maybe it wasn’t dating, maybe it was a friendship, or your agent
I’ve talked a lot about the author-agent relationship and imagine that there are a lot more posts on that topic in my future. I’ve certainly covered how to fire your agent when she is ignoring you, but what about the agent who is paying attention to you, but just can’t seem to sell your work? How do you know when to cut ties with this person?
I’ve often likened the author-agent relationship to dating or marriage, in a business sense, and I think this is no different
The really difficult part about answering this question is that I can’t, really. I can give guidance, but making the decision to fire an agent is really personal and, frankly, I always feel that if you’re asking that question you’re probably ready to let go. How often have you dated someone and known long before it was over that it was over, but instead of doing anything about it you just went along with https://kissbrides.com/es/asia-beauty-date-opinion/ the way things were simply because it was easier? If you say never, then you are either lying or you married the one and only person you ever dated, because at one point or another I think we’ve all done that. . . .
Here’s the deal: if you feel your agent has lost confidence in you or your work or you feel that you need to be going in a direction that your agent doesn’t seem to want you to go in, you need to have a conversation. After nearly ten years in business it should come as no surprise that I too have had clients fire me. I don’t think any of us have gone our separate ways feeling any animosity for each other, at least I didn’t, but in at least a couple of instances I felt like the client was really, truly, for the first time telling me what she wanted, when she fired memunication can make all the difference in any relationship, and if you’re not good at it, now is the time to practice. Continue reading “When to Cut Ties with Your Agent”