. Overview Sakura Dungeon

Demon Master Chris

Lightning Warrior Raidy

Sakura Spirit

Pokemon series

Series Might & Magic

Sakura Dungeon – Representative of the genre Eroge, erotic content of the most often made in the style of anime. . Unlike other entertainment of this kind, where, as a rule, the gameplay is actually not, Sakura Dungeon belongs to the ancient and still revered in the east of Dungeon Crawler in its now archaic (times of the late 1990s) option.

. The version from Steam is subjected to censorship, so that nothing illegal in it can be by definition, because all the shameful places of the heroines are always covered by skillfully placed rakes of clothing. .

What if tomorrow they will ban the images of ladies in a bikini?..

Madam no one

Yomi stayed in captivity for hundreds of years, but once an adventurer of Tseri's adventure came across her “prison”. Having freed the ancient spirit of the fox from imprisonment, the warrior could not overcome him. But instead of breaking the girl to pieces, Yomi makes her his subordinate. Once a great and mighty mistress of a huge dungeon now, without outside help, is hardly to cope with the forces that captured her favorite caves. Tseri is only the first “volunteer” in a long row of people, monsters and other creatures that will help the ruled ruler to return the property belonging to her by right.

► everyone loves the hostess. By the way, she is also many … hmm … loves.

► Each time the heroines start a conversation, all their companions are sure to express an opinion on the issue under discussion.

!) catacombs, but yomi is a good and fair being. !

Although from the point of view of the mechanics of Sakura Dungeon – first of all, the role -playing game, with step -by -step battles, spend time on it, say, fans of the recent Magic X Or a magnificent dilogy Legend of Grimrock Not worth it. . A kind of traditional "visual novel", strongly diluted by the study of confusing locations.

► Each monster and almost all other characters have no more than one character trait. This warrior with a spear is just a cold -blooded warrior with a spear. By the way, in the background is not a flat decoration that consists of the whole village. The first -person view allows the classic "dungeon" RPG to instantly turn into. And vice versa.

► And so every time: at first they promise to destroy us ..

► … and then all the clothes are torn on them.

Deep immersion

Underground, the game is already less like "harems". Dark corridors would not have prevented the variety of wall textures, but such shortcomings are fully compensated by rich bestialism. Almost every level is attacked by some new miracle in feathers: roller girls, cat girls, girls with spears, girls from ancient Egyptian mythology (even if it was not girls there). Do not be surprised, because we have Eroge, so there are no men in the world of Sakura Dungeon in principle, and all the ladies have a form of respect for forms.

► We will spend a lot of time in the village, because with the development of the plot we will open more and more “peaceful” scenes.

It’s easy to fight with them – but this is not a compliment to the combat system, on the contrary. If at first it still makes sense to cunning and adapt to opponents, delve into the essence of different glasses (actions and concentrations), then over time patience and work take their own: there is nothing that can not be dealt with with the help of grind. The main thing is to remember the simple principle: the faster the robe of the next monster will tear, the less chance he has to win.

Going into the ominous bowels, the Yomi team caught new witches and killers, who, after a short conversation in a specially equipped dungeon, will stand under the banners of the only legitimate mistress of these lands. And it seems that there is nothing special in everything described: the next depraved VN, mixed with boring laid dungeons, and even without the distribution of abilities, buying new armor and swords.

But Sakura Dungeon is not so simple. Firstly, the authors tried to make all levels really different. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the set is not bad: teleports Paradise8 sister sites, stairs, invisible doors, traps and other objects and tricks, introducing such an important diversity.

► some levels are quite confusing. Enemies, as a rule, are stronger at two or four levels, so stripping the last stages takes a lot of time.

► AP scale performs two functions. Firstly, these are the glasses of action necessary for all attacks and spells. Some still require CP – Concentration Power. Secondly, AP are used to evade attacks. The system is curious (even by the standards of real role -playing), but deliberately simplified.

► For such games, this is completely normal: Yomi told Tseri that with the help of a special object (camera), she will be able to improve her combat skills. Only the subject needs … pose. Naturally, Yomi shamelessly lied.

Secondly, although exclusively consumables are sold in the local shop, and the levels of party members are growing on their own as the opposition destroy, the player has the opportunity to influence both the characteristics of the characters and their appearance. Well, let's say, only yomi and ceri can change clothes (although it will have to be found first), but you can increase the parameters any ward. Periodically you will come across objects that allow you to permanently raise some characteristic. Over time, some of them will appear in a village shop. And the extra score in any column in the character window here is as important as in D&D.

In addition, a scroll with a spell is sometimes found, which can be taught at least a hero, at least a monster. But the personnel turnover is high (why keep in the front row of a rabbit when you already have a panda?), there are very few cells for skills, and the benefits of grinds are largely compensated by the lack of any spell.

► Heroes can flaunt almost in one thread. How so, why does this not affect the defense indicators? The explanation is simple: magic.

► There are few objects in the dungeons: walls, icons of “obligatory battles” (as if random are not enough), chests … Of course, by the standards of the rookie is weak. But to whom it occurred to say that Sakura Dungeon is primarily a role?

It is important not to succumb to illusions: Sakura Dungeon is not designed for role -players with experience, but for lovers of "strawberries" (including Japanese). The first to surprise neither the plot, nor battles, nor the layout of levels, and the visual style will probably even be annoying. The latter will receive not only good VU with high -quality piquant pictures, but far from the worst role -in -law game.


  • The abundance of monsters that can be caught and forced to fight for yourself;
  • decent level design;
  • abundance of content (including after an imaginary finale);
  • Successful dilution of the visual novel by RPG elements about stripping dungeons.
  • fighting should be more difficult;
  • insufficient control over the development of characters;
  • Only two main characters can be changed.
How we played

What: The game is provided by the publisher. On what: PC How many: Twenty -three hours for full passage.

"Achivka" of the editorial office

From 3 to 10

Never download “restoration patches” for erotic games sold in Steam. Never.

About localization

English game. The characters are not voiced in it.

Site assessment




A very worthy erotic game – namely a game, not a set of static pictures. Connoisseurs of solid role -playing projects have nothing to do here, but lovers of pretty ladies will have to work hard to see all the beauties of Sakura Dungeon.

Dota 2

Geib Newell has one undeniable dignity – it can deftly bring other people's ideas to mind, turning them into diamonds. Thanks to this approach, Valve has at one time ennobled a lot of amateur modifications, including Team Fortress, Left 4 Dead, Portal and Counter-Strike. All these episodes are still enjoyed by well -deserved popularity, which means that Valve is rarely mistaken.

Of course, only carefully selected candidates receive full support and financing. One of the recent “acquisitions” of the company was Abdul “Icefrog” Ismail, a playing designer in narrow circles and the key author of the Dota Allstars Fashion for Warcraft 3. It was hired to create a project, which was supposed to become the most popular game in the digital service Steam – Dota 2 in two years.

Abdul coped with the task even earlier.

Your tower under the attack

The first "Dota" has become one of the most popular multiplayer games of our time. The sequel secured success and broke his records: the number of users simultaneously playing Dota 2 via Steam has recently stably exceeds the mark of 300,000 people. Where did such folk love come from?

The game owes its popularity to two factors: an elementary concept and a hardcore approach, taking into account hundreds of nuances that are mixed every time, like molecules in organic soup.

The game uses a standard camera and a similar interface for real -time strategies, but the battles are seasoned with a drive and elements of role -playing action. Roughly speaking, Dota looks like like Starcraft 2 , But you do not build a base and dispose of a single character. Moreover, each time it has to be developed from scratch as part of the match – from the first level to the maximum twenty -fifth.

[Bullet]] Explosions, Lightning, Small spells and quickly flying out the figures of damage – an inexperienced person risks confusing what is happening with the conquest of Diablo 3 on the complexity of Inferno.

Two teams collide on the battlefield – the warriors of the light and the minions of darkness, in each of which five heroes are fought, selected from an extensive file cabinet. Both sides have on the base, and three paths lead from one to the other. In turn, three rows of protective towers are located along the tracks, which at the beginning of the match of a serious threat to low -level heroes.

The upper and lower parts of the map are mirroring each other, and the main word in the vocabulary of the players is the “Foreign Ministry” – the middle path intended for especially bloody SECh. It is easiest to get to the inhospitable doors of a foreign base in the Foreign Ministry, so there is always increased interest in it.

The main idea of ​​the game is elementary: it is necessary to destroy the towers of the opponent, and then reduce his huts and a building called ancient with the ground-the heart of the base, which is simple by the throne.

Which most amazes beginners-in the game only one card in the game. This can scare away the uninitiated players: where it is visible, so that in the project designed for many hours of network battles there are no other maps? Like it or not, everyone loves diversity.

[[Bullet]] The heart of the base of the warriors of the light is destroyed. The ancient fell, which means that the match came to an end and the victorious villains celebrate without hesitation.

Here the second factor in the frantic popularity of Dota 2 comes into business. Although the card does not change, each subsequent match still does not look like the previous. Why? The game is corny in the game a lot of truly different, unique heroes with an extensive arsenal of opportunities and a lot of artifacts (bought during a match in shops scattered in terms of level).

At the time of writing the review in the game, 102 were available (!) the character: zombies, necromancers, robots, invisibility, an ancient deity creating doubles of a leprekon-geologist, a handful of specialists in the call of small units, which requires good micro-study skills, etc. You can imagine how many different combinations are built during the match.

Skill from the bottom came

Valve hired not only Abdul, but also other participants in the DOTA community to develop the second part, and therefore the continuation remained true to the traditions of the original: both strategies are regularly updated with a small interval, new heroes from the first “bunker” are gradually added to the second, and even the balance is ruleed With an eye on an older brother.

Each of a hundred and extra characters have three parameters: intelligence, strength and dexterity. Depending on their values, the division occurs into specialization – security forces, dodgers and magicians.

Pumping is carried out by killing the champions of the enemy team and countless monsters-statistics. Some players right at the beginning of the match go to the “jungle” (Russian players call them a forest out of habit) – the place of accumulation of freaks on the equator of the card – and quickly swing, preparing for the battles of the “team for the team” format.

[[Bullet]] Setting window allows you to equip a hero before the match or put up bonus items. For example, an increase in the experience or corporate courier of the Na’VI team (only 299 rubles apiece!).

Many characters of the original "Dota" were taken from the plot campaign Warcraft 3. The rights to the universe remain with Blizzard , Therefore, Valve developers were forced to change the appearance, names and biographies of heroes, but retained their unique abilities.

Warriors are collected for every taste: some are able to maintain invisibility, appearing on the screen only after the attack, others can beat with lightning from heaven, stop the time or shoot firecrackers through the entire map, the others are ready to save the battered hero with teleportation on the base and so on.

However, there are no strict rules for the development of champions, even avid tanks, such as a knight Sven, are capable of playing the role of a killer (specializing in attack) and support (support). For reference: the support fighter puts on the map of beacons, dispersing unknown areas, pumps a store courier (an expensive bot that allows you not to go to the base for objects) and, as a rule, does not achieve monsters, so that the experience of them is taken on the team.

The universal pets are the dwarf Ricky, who loves to attack from the back, and the half-decomposed butcher, a puja butter with protruding giblets, who pulls his victims with a hook and kills them with a cadaverous smell of his own sewage.

[[Bullet]] The Dazal character has just healed himself, his partner and several monsters-cryes. He knows how to help out in difficult, almost hopeless situations and is very useful as a support.

The eternally hungry bear of Ursa is stored for sweets, who alone kills the strongest monster on the map https://sister-site.org/golden-genie/ – Roshan. Funny fact: the gamers tease him Ravshan, and he received his name from the name of his favorite ball for Bowling one of the creators of the first “Dot”. The team who confused Roshan has a significant advantage: if the hero who took the heart of the monster is killed, he is restored after five seconds at the scene of death, without the need to go to the Tavern (to the base) and wait for the resurrection there. In addition, the death of the owner of the artifact does not bring him any gold to the killers, and Roshan himself automatically comes to life ten minutes after his death – the poor man is doomed to serve forever to serve the dairy cow.

Caught under the fountain

At the beginning of the match, the champions are divided into mini-groups and occupy all three paths, looking at the gaps in the defense of the enemy. The initial phase of the battle, as a rule, is monotonous and repeated from the game of the game: fighters carefully exterminate the monsters on their half of the card and try to catch any of the enemy heroes on the mistake.

Only one player enters the Foreign Ministry who has to become the main killer of the team, gaining a high level faster than the rest. Successful "Miders" help the team gain weight, making attention and thereby allowing comrades to pump up too. After that, the game moves to the middle phase, when the champions are random and hunt by the group, simultaneously destroying the towers and looking at Roshan. Coordinated hunting by the whole team for the enemy mini-groups is called "gank".

[Bullet]] A convenient encyclopedia is built into the game, ready to tell everything about heroes, artifacts and recommendations for rocking characters from more experienced players.

Full-component battles are distinguished by a large number of special effects and pompous spells: a hurricane of ice, fire and lightning are happening on the screen, “Silence”, temporarily depriving the hero of abilities, the nearest comrade turns into stone, something will light up ..

But this is not all. Often artillery enters the battle. So, the game has a gnome on a helicopter and a robot with a set of lasers for frying from the distance. The crippled landscape pierces the most powerful spell of the ancient titanium, and the destructive light beats from the crack, and the inexorable archer, meanwhile, lets the ice arrows into the victims.

Successful survival in the middle and late stage requires a well -coordinated teamwork, otherwise the losers, like the real “crayfish”, will be “at the bottom”.

Some of the heroes are just created with an eye that their murderous power will prove themselves only in Leita (as the players call the final stage of the match). A good example of a leitist is Abaddon, who debuted immediately after Dota 2 from the beta test. This hero, who quickly gained popularity, was known in Warcraft 3 as Prince Artas – the son of the king, who chose the path of the necromancer. Remember this? Abaddon is able to heal himself and cripple the enemies, tearing off pieces of dead flesh from himself. Puj, envy!

The cape fair

DOTA 2 is a conditionally paying project, and Valve earns on an in-game store, constantly updating the models of heroes and releasing clothing for characters. Fortunately, there were without a total monopoly: thanks to the Steam workshop, to make a costume, decoration or texture of the interface to their liking can be a player. If it is quite popular, it will be added to the store and the lucky author, along with the developers, will receive deductions from sales.

About the same scheme, the super-impressive Team Fortress 2 works, but if it was a pen of the pen for Valve, the circuit, then in Dota 2 “Bidding hats” acquired a truly pandemic nature and attracted hundreds of enterprising comrades who are ready at any time to exchange any ax for real money bypassing the store. Nevertheless, most of the content is now produced by Valve.

[[Bullet]] The British team is trying to destroy one of the towers on the central path. Judging by the sluggish defense of the defenders, they are quite on the shoulder. Noticed that the screen was painted red? It seems that our hero was painfully hit.

Their most successful idea is to sell the interactive book of the compensation, launched directly from D2. It brings a bunch of new opportunities and items to the game, and due to profit from sales of the book, the prize fund of the main Dota production of the year is replenished-The International tournament (at the time of writing the review it was $ 2,684,540, and more than a million dollars-the merit of the compensation).

Book-Real Nou-Hau Valve. This is not another content-pack, but a uniquely organized semblance of Gold subscriptions in Xbox Live, for which, however, you need to pay only once.

The owners of the compensation have a preemptive right to vote for the addition of certain heroes to the game plus receive special collection cards, which, imagine, are literally glued to the pages of the book. Remember how in the nineties all children collected stickers for albums with some kind of ninja turtles? So here, only solid bonuses are relied on for collecting full compositions.

Two strongholds

The advantages of the Steam client, the free game, its elaboration and variability allowed dota 2 to become what Counter-Strike was once once. This is a real personification of the cult of yeast. The phenomenon of unanimous success is both among players and among critics.

Today, the game has only two serious competitors: Leage of Legends and Nivalovsky Prime World. But if Moba from Russians is just starting the expansion of the Western markets, then Lol has already managed to gain popularity both in Europe and in America. We must pay tribute, deserved success: this is a high -quality genre game, which is an order of magnitude more friendly to its user than Dota 2.

[[Bullet]] Everything that did not fit in the inventory (6 slots) can wait for the owner in a cache in the courier base or carcass. With couriers, it’s generally interesting, this is a know-how series; In LOL, for example, there are no couriers. The store is allowed to choose a model of a courier of dozens of options.

The creation of Valve still retains a whole string of disadvantages. At the launch, the game was among the most raw projects in the history of Steam-even after the end of beta testing it is corrected on the go, in real time. Servers often behave unstable, D2 Network sometimes turns off, sometimes you have to look for rivals for a long time. The matchmaking system deserves a separate slap: often, experienced veterans are exposed against weak players, leaving the first chance to compete on an equal footing. At the same time, Dota 2 has become, without offenses, the most bulky work of Valve in recent years, a lot of time, labor and money is spent on its debugging.

However, we have no doubt that all errors will be corrected by inexhaustible patches. But the main problem of the game, which is especially visible against the backdrop of the LOL officially represented in Russia, is the unfriendly community and the lack of comfortable conditions for beginners is to overcome not just.

Meanwhile, against the backdrop of the popularity of Dota 2 and Leage of Legends, many game publishers, including Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment , Electronic Arts And Activision Blizzard , hastened to announce their moba. Someone likes it or not, the once highly specialized genre occupied one of the large niches in the modern entertainment industry.

The high threshold of the entry and depth of gameplay is distinguished by D2 against the background of colleagues. It allows you to hone your skills on bots or online for an infinitely long time, trying to get closer to perfection. For many, the carousel from endless training and competition has become an integral part of life, and this is explainable: Dota 2 is a delightful e -sports shell and just a very tight game.

But this lies one of its minuses: many relate to Dota too seriously. It happens that you will start a game with a random company, and they immediately begin to scream at you with a commanding voice – run there, do what you are so slow and all like that. If you play not with close friends, then you risk getting negative experience, but we still advise you to try. Not so often in the genre there are such exciting projects. Well, all the fanatics want to wish to be calmer. Games are great, we all love them, but we must not forget about the simple rules of decency and mutual respect.


Cool plot:


Easy to master:





Sound and music:


Interface and management:



One of the main PC exclusives of our time. Thinking and deep game, which, however, can scare away newcomers with their harsh character. However, this is not very critical. Dota 2 is clearly waiting for a great future, in the coming years Valve will bring to mind an already excellent game, and then it can be recommended to everyone without a twinge of conscience without a twinge.

Mania rating: 9.0


Crayfish click with claws

Why Russians don't like

As a large -scale phenomenon, Dota 2 enriched the vocabulary of our compatriots: previously harmless words “bottom”, “fat” and “drag” received new, often negative meanings, and the verb “cracked” the Russian game in D2.

Interestingly, slang is not the only branded line, in the absence of an official publisher in the CIS, who gave the game a domestic flavor-the Russians have already become famous on the entire Internet with their insolence, unfriendliness, illiteracy, ignorance of their native and English, as well as an unwillingness to listen to someone else's tips. On the Steam forums, you can find entire gunscan guidelines, flaunting derogatory definitions and examples. Because of this, adequate players from Russia, who are also many, are very often embarrassed to admit their roots and prefer to play on European servers. The situation is offensive to the pain, but only itself remains to blame for it.

Museum of Soviet slot machines: from “sea battle” to “highway”

When photorealistic graphics no longer climb into the throat and all sorts Battlefield 1 And Call of Duty I would like to send it to hell, you look at the mezzanine, sneezing from dust, get the Sega Mega Drive and in the name of Schwarzenegger you begin to save the poor wife in the best shooter of all time – "True lies".

But it happens that the prefix is ​​annoying, and even the Rubik's cube is gathering in three leadership movements, which you wrote. The question arises: “What to do?»It would be nice, of course, to arrange a general cleaning at home or for once to go to the" Swan Lake ", but the trouble is both the Tchaikovsky and the classic ballet never special pleasure, and all house dust was already collected in one reliable, with buzzing cooler, place.

Slot machine "Pilot" : bring your ship to the port, avoiding obstacles.

What to do? For example, you can play on Soviet slot machines! No 4K textures you have a continuous pleasure mixed with strong nostalgia. True, Tchaikovsky is still found as a comforting prize in "Circus" , But this is tolerant. Ballerinas, at least, do not jump out of nowhere.

Slot machine "Turn". How long will you stretch on this endless highway?

However, the solitary regime did not surprise anyone in the nineties, so let's forget about the old good "Sea battle" And "Tows" – We will tell you about the five most curious (at least of those in which we played) cooperative slot machines of domestic production.

Museum of Soviet slot machines in St. Petersburg

In one non-casual courtyard, in the very center of St. Petersburg, an unusual museum hid. Exhibits here can not be touched – this must be done, otherwise what the point is to pay for the ticket? Watch flyers?

Museum of Soviet slot machines is such an inconspicuous time machine. You go into the hall, lay out your bloods to get hold of a dozen fifteen -boiled coins, and fall into another era.

A complete chaos of different sounds reigns around: here it rumbles to a torpedo who fell into a aircraft carrier in a “sea battle”, a friendly shootout echoes her in "Sniper-2" , And the background is a sonorous stuffing of glasses in the “circus” – the Soviet analogue of the legendary “Pinbole”. Everything screams, flashes, interrupts each other and pulls to himself!

An hour does not pass, as you already despair the last tokens in your pocket and break between " Skate-humpk " And " Snow Queen ", A kind of ancestors of modern platformers. And you choose something third. "Tows", for example, because the screen somehow winked amiably, and you were very welcome nearby.

And if you are really obsessed with the idea of ​​jumping back in time, this place will help you make what you want. Nostalgia here does not end on " Carriers " And " Victorine ". Want kvass or, say, pear soda? In stock! Or maybe a milk cocktail? Yes, please – and even beat him here with a rare mixer "Voronezh-2".

The main people of the museum with their own persons. Starring (from left to right): Victoria Kotlova, Igor Kovalevsky and Marina Kutepova.

And behind the nostalgic facade lies the creative space. The museum organizes events of various types: from watching Tarantino films to a lecture on the philosophy of video games. The latter, by the way, was carried out not by anyone, but an employee of the Moscow Center for the study of video games working on the basis of Moscow State University.


The developers of this slot machine obviously despised competitors who invented one -sided "Football" And "Basketball". The player who spends fifteen cents honestly forgiven from parents on the game, deserves something more than springs and a jumping ball. The real gamer needs a choice, non -linearity.

AND "Telesport" can give it. In the slot machine, built on the basis of the Magistral Racing Simulator, there are already four sports: the usual football with basketball, and tennis, and even wonderful hockey on the grass. Lower the coin, choose the game and prove your friend your sporting superiority.

Unlike its morally obsolete predecessors, Telesport was created using NEXTGEN technology and replaced with modern television mechanics in the last television screen. And even if you were given two miserable minutes of gameplay with a comrade, and the game world did not count eighteen quintillions of tennis courts, the multiplayer worked as it should.


Previous hunters scored miserable 90 points. Nubes!

If you think there is no shooting range than Call of Duty, and the hunting simulator is more sensual than Thehunter, then the Soviet gaming industry has something to surprise you.

Slot machine "Doublet" – This is an independent "addon" for "Winter hunting". You have to mercilessly destroy the whole forest fauna from the double -barreled man in the hope of filling more points. Only now the shooting of animals turns into a real race, because your friend, like you, wants to kill this particular duck, it is this hare, and he can shoot at you, but for such unsportsmanlike behavior will certainly receive a well -deserved slap.

The butt in the shoulder, a look at the fly, put a couple of times on the trigger to shoot, and forward – into the forest, in the snowdrifts and only thirty cents for thirty cents!


Lonely racer in the "Highway".

The "highway" was so good that on its engine they made "Telesport". And it is no coincidence – at one time, the racing simulator has become a real hit. The game gave players a rich selection of racing tracks and weather conditions, polished by dozens of previous gamers steering wheel and pedal, and for all this asked only fifteen cents. And there would be no one to dwell on what has been achieved – but for an additional fee you could open access to the multiplayer and compete with a friend!

It was real " Need for Speed with a separated screen ". You were trusted with the management of a red or blue machine and released into a lively flow of city https://sister-site.org/ltc-casino/ transport, where you, deftly maneuvering in traffic, had to not only overtake your opponent, but also not to break your car.

Torpedo attack

Surviving enemy ships with a loved one is priceless.

And where without "sea battle", if we are talking about slot machines? The cult simulator of the submarine also has its own version for two players.

We doubt the realism of the “torpedo attack”, because in wartime battle submarines are unlikely to compete in filing frags, but let such omissions and inaccuracies remain on the conscience of the screenwriter. As for gameplay, it is completely identical to what was in the "sea battle".

Look at the periscope, press on the red button, send enemy aircraft carriers and destroyers to the bottom. Each hit is accompanied by gloomy darkening and a juicy explosion, and every victory over another – classic excuses like “I just did not understand that it is necessary to shoot ahead of lead”. But on the machine it is written! How can you play without going through training?!

"Torpedo attack" – This World of WarsHips in VR, and this is in 1984!

Exhibition "Bang-Bang": Tank hits from the 1970s to the present day

For those in the tank, there are great news. Recently, an exhibition with a funny name "Bang-Bang" has been working in the museum.

Its goal is to show visitors the evolution of video games about tanks from the 1970s to this day. And it will be possible to play not only in ancients, but such beloved "tanks" ( Battle City ) on Dendy, but also in modern World of Tanks on Xbox One. And this, of course, is only some examples. There is Tank Command with Atari 7800, her ancestor COMBAT with ATARI 2600 and much more – a small hall with a bit packed with rare prefixes and games.

There are even small toy tanks on the radio control! Tired of clatter on the joystick and stare at the screen? Grab a friend, a remote control and arrange a tiny battles on a coffee table!

The connection of generations is evident.

And among all this triumph of military vehicles, men in shape pace – they seem tall for tankers, but they make their flavor. And these are not just cosplayers-enthusiasts, but real reconstructors, Andrei Pyotukhovsky from the Rosa Vetrov military-historical club and Alexander Zubkin with a little daughter-partial Evgenia from the club "Seek. And if the first name seems to you to know, then this is not by chance, because Andrei acted as a historical consultant when creating a film "28 Panfilovtsy".

The organizers approached the exhibition with great attention to the details, which cannot but rejoice. Personally, we, not even carried away by caterpillar chases, are certainly imbued with a local tank spirit.

For the creation of the atmosphere, they are responsible here (from left to right): Andrey Pyotukhovsky, Alexander Zubkin and his daughter Evgenia.

The exhibition will take place until September 27, so if you still do not have plans for the summer, your Dreamcast has finally broken and does not want to launch your beloved Panzer Front , but I want to play, here you have a good alternative.


A game based on the fairy tale of the same name. In the center of the plot is an insidious root crop. The player is the role of one of the six members of the detachment, the common purpose of which is to defeat the turnip. Unlike all previous games, success depends on the coherence of the team's coherence. It is unlikely that you will be able to get a victorious “hey, we will smash!»From the first game with random people.

"Turnip" combines simple ideas, but does it masterfully. The presence of a cooperative regime and the need to act together in battles with AI turned the usual, seemingly slot machine into a living legend.

And it doesn’t matter that the game is positioned as entertainment for one. We know that, according to history, it is more logical to use grandfathers, grandmother, bug, granddaughter and cat in pulling the turnip! Additional character-mouse-norushka.

Hanging in the past can be very nice. Many of us played these antediluvian machines in childhood, remember their impressions and not mind lowering the coveted fifteen cents into the monitor. For some, this is the last century, and to draw their attention to the primitive " Horse skate »You can only force. And someone may not know at all about the whole layer of the history of the development of games, whose time has passed a very long time.

This is what is important: these games need to be respected, know and remember. It is not necessary to play them, but in their own way it is simply necessary to love, because they deserve it. We hope that you agree with us.

Photographer – Roman Pomerantsev

Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes

In recent history Might & Magic Strange, unpleasant things happen to the series. For all the time that the brand owns rights Ubisoft , Only two full -fledged games were published: a fifth of the “heroes” and action Dark Messiah of Might & Magic, where for the first time since time Duke Nukem 3D The reception of "kicking a boot under the ass" was competently implemented. Both games, of course, turned out to be excellent, but during this time everyone somehow forgot that actually Might & Magic is primarily an old role-playing series, which is rooted at the end of the 80s. The new publisher, it seems, cannot (or does not want) find a studio that would be able to competently continue the case of the authors of the original, New World Computing. So Clash of Heroes -The game is significant in its own way: this is the first RPG named after the sword and magic over the past eight years.

The revenge of witty

Although, with a cursory examination, it turns out that Clash of Heroes is not like a role -playing game. The plot is served in the form of comics, outwardly everything that happens on two small screens looks like an anime version of the old universe. The story, again, is primitive – the demons attacked the elves, and they are trying to repulse the evil forces. At the beginning of the first mission, it generally seems like it is a pocket, castrated version of the “heroes” painted under the manga.

Then, however, you notice that Clash of Heroes still tries to be RPG, but developers use any other role -playing game for DS as genre guidelines, but not the Might & series is not in any way Magic. And the external resemblance to https://sister-site.org/voodoodreams/ the "heroes" (places really similar to them) is purely external and remains. On a global map, we move through special cells, but completely free, without any moves. The enemy generals stand still (they can, however, suddenly jump out of the bushes), there are no castles, but it is proposed to hire warriors in special towers.

There is nothing to do on the map. We collect artifacts, carry out simple instructions in the spirit of “Find the chest in the West”, grow in levels and lazily talk with plot characters in cities. Dialogs are non-interactive: before especially important events, they show a comic book in which the player is allowed to be inserted only to an indistinguishable replica like: “And really, let's go adding to them”. The only element of non -linearity is that the player can choose whether to go or not go to the terrible cave for the next bonus necklace. Within the framework of DS-games-nothing, it would seem, criminal, on the contrary-a light, pleasant, colorful adventure. It would be strange to demand depth from Clash of Heroes from Clash of Heroes Dragon Age , But the world is still too close, and the possibility of pumping individual skills would not hurt. Everything that grows with the hero along with the level is the health, protection and the number of troops that he can lead. This role component Clash of Heroes is limited.

Lines of Might & Magic

If you take into account all of the above, it seems that Clash of Heroes is a casual parody of a role -playing game, the main task of which is not to annoy the player during a two -hour air travel. But the most interesting thing in it is the battles that really raise the new Might & Magic to the level of tactical RPG.

The most obvious solution would be to borrow a combat system from Heroes of Might & Magic: She would look organically in tandem with a global card, and the management of the stylus would have to be in handy. But the developers came up with their own combat system, taking as a basis a role -playing puzzle Puzzle Quest.

All this looks as follows: on the upper screen of the console, the units of the enemy are located, on the lower – yours. Warriors know how to attack only with “triples”, and you need to gather fighters in a vertical line so that the attack is “charged”. During the next trip, the Troika lets the arrow towards the enemy screen, after which it disappears. The task is not to interrupt all the enemies, as one might think, but to get beyond the line of the game field, where, presumably, the hero is located. This simple mechanics acquires the necessary depth due to many nuances. Drinks grow in levels, increase characteristics, and the hero himself can study magic. You can set the protective walls or slow down the attack of the "Troke" to combine them into larger formations (more about the combat system – in the inlet). In the end, there are, in the end, various special units, such as combat deer, who penetrate any barrier in their path with one jump.

* * *

Clash of Heroes is a pleasant game in every way, but talk about the revival of Might & Magic is early. Because the only thing that the authors came up with a new one is an entertaining combat system, and everything else is collected with the world along the thread: they took the music from Homm 5 (very convenient!), the appearance of units and fractions, for the most part, was also invented in Nival , The script is a simple "village burned, but we will take revenge". I would like to hope that this is just timid probing of the soil and Ubisoft has planned triumphal return to home consoles.

Game Formula: 50% Heroes of Might & Magic + 25% Puzzle Quest + 25% Might & Magic

Gameplay: 7

Graphics: 8

Sound and music: 7

Control: 9

Plot: 6

Stability: 8

Originality: 6

Grade: 7.0

[[Break]] Battle of minds

How battles work in Clash of Heroes

  1. If a symbol with the image of a chain lights up over the units, this means that during the attack they will act in tandem with other detachments marked with the same sign – double and triple attacks increase overall damage.

  2. Vertical Troika is the simplest construction for the attack. Three vertical triples installed in a row will hit harder. If the construction interferes with a row in a series of units of a different color, it can be removed from the field.

  3. Wall – appears in the place of the disappeared horizontal triple. The walls can be built in several rows, and each newly created fortification will add protection points for the neighboring.

  4. Super -junction – to “charge” it, you need to put two soldiers of a similar color nearby. The attack occurs within 3-5 moves. Pumping super -swans, you can even break through the three -layer wall.

Fathers and children
Might & Magic – yesterday, today, the day before yesterday


For nine games (and step-by-step spin-off), the M & M universe has grown to immense sizes, and the distinctive features of the fractions, kingdoms and individual characters wandered from the game to the game.

When all the rights to the series moved to Ubisoft, they decided to arrange a total rebranding: specially hired scriptwriters Richard Danski and Ervan Le Breton were carved from the universe, as it seemed to them, superfluous. As a result, the world of Askhan appeared, which seems to be very similar to what was under 3DO, but formally has nothing to do with the old universe.


Within the framework of any part (even the failure of the ninth) there was a lot of events – betrayal, murder, blackmail, political intrigues, love stories and large -scale wars.

There is practically no plot in Clash of Heroes, and Homm 5 and Dark Messiah are only interesting in symbiosis. We remind you that Sareth, the protagonist Domm, in fact turned out to be the son of the Queen Isabelle of the Heroes, and the villain Arrantier lit up in the addon Tribes of the East.

Role system

A complex system of characteristics (about twenty), which, in turn, influenced a number of skills, from owning a staff to the ability to leave enemy attacks. The quests were multi -stage, and the action always took place in a fairly large (by the standards of that time) world.

The hero grows in levels, and along with the level (and regardless of the player), health and protection are growing. Actually, this is all.

Flying along the star path: Startrek starships

Even more articles about "start -up" | The official website of the film

The number of starship models in the Star Trek universe is comparable, perhaps with the number of stars in the sky. Even today, many all sorts of devices fly into space from the Earth. And what will be two hundred years old, and even if there are dozens of rational races actively mastering space?

Let people not be the first to go to the stars, but they did it without any help. Having mastered flights at light speeds, our descendants were able to establish the first contact, on equal terms to enter the galactic community and repeatedly visit where a person’s foot did not step.


The name of the first and most famous earthly starship is more than symbolic: it literally rebelled from the ashes of the Third World War. The creator of “Phoenix” Zefram Kokhrain designed it on the basis of an intercontinental missile – improvised material that has remained since the nuclear nightmare. “Phoenix” with three crew members on board started on April 5, 2063 and soon became a participant in the first human contact in the modern history with an alien race – volcanoes.



Year of creation: 2151

Captain: Jonathan Archer

After the success of the Phoenix, earthlings thought about serial starship. The first ships to investigate the space space around the solar system were classmate of class NX. The seven -false ship was equipped with an experimental transmitter of matter "by the beam" (transporter). There were plasma and phase guns in the arsenal, and in case of detection of those in a potential enemy, the corps was armored and polarized.

Class NX ships could move at the speed of the warp-5, that is, approximately 125 times faster than the light. It was on these starships that earthlings made the main discoveries of the XXII century and made contact with many other races. The latter NX was dismantled only in 2223.

Starships of the Federation

Erasing the political boundaries on Earth, people brought the desire to unite and into space. Already in 2161, on the initiative of mankind, the federation was formed, and the creation of new starships became common to all reasonable races entered in it. In honor of the first of the NX, many head ships of new episodes were also called "Enterprise".



Year of creation: 2245

Captains: Robert April, Christopher Pike, James T. Kirk, Spock

Constitution, probably the most famous class of starships in the entire history of the Federation. At the beginning of the XXIII century, it was rightfully considered the fastest and powerful ship of the star fleet: twenty-one decks, anger for shuttles and an engine that can disperse the starship to the speed of the VARP-6.45. Constitution class ships were designed for long -term research missions without external support.

Enterprise-NCC-1701 (modified)

Year of Modification: 2271

Captain: James t. Kirk

After the five -year mission, Enterprise was very modified: the gondolas of curvature, most of the casing and internal equipment were completely replaced. The speed of the ship increased to warp-7.2. In 2286, Enterprise-NCC-1701-A appeared, which outwardly did not differ from the previous version, but with the “filling” updated according to the latest technology.


The Miranda class was developed at the end of the XXIII century, primarily as a scientific ship, which, however, can stand up for itself. In battles, starships of this class are used as support ships and as a means of combating similar enemy vessels. For more than ninety years of operation, the Miranda class has experienced three main and many minor modernizations.


Constellation began to be produced in 2283, when the star fleet needed fast starships with powerful engines that could quickly reach external borders of the rapidly expanding federation. It was assumed that four curvature gonders would give Constellation a significant increase in speed and will improve the efficiency of 15% at medium speeds by 15%. However, in attempts to achieve only developers immediately made many mistakes, which were then repeatedly detected in operation.


ExcelSior class history consists of continuous alterations. The engines of the new system, transcurp, were originally installed on the ship, but their launch was supposed to lead to the explosion of Gondol. Only an accident saved a starship from destruction. After a long work on this problem, a modernized ship was represented in 2286, but its launch was unsuccessful. In the end, the command of the star fleet canceled the Transcward project completely, and the starship went out into space with conventional warp-engineers.



Year of creation: 2344

Captain: Rachel Herrett

Ambassador was developed as a diplomatic and at the same time a warship. There were twenty -eight large laboratories on the starship, which made this class convenient for research work. Also, "Ambassadors" were equipped with new high -precision sensors and new weapons, such as phaser batteries and high -speed torpedo vehicles. The production of ships of this class was suspended in 2357, as a new class was created – Galaxy. In total, sixty -eight "Ambassadors" were built.



Year of creation: 2364

Captain: Jean-Luk Picard

The Galaxy project, starting in 2347, was supposed to replace outdated models. In general, Galaxy class ships were like their colleagues of the Nebula class, but were much more. The inner area of ​​the ship was 800,000 square meters. There were many laboratories on board, therefore, along with the main mission, the starship could perform scientific research. The latest technologies were used on the ship – such as a holopound, a sensor system, improved photon torpedoes. The Galaxy flew at the speed of the Warp-9.2, and its "saucer" could be separated from the engineering part.


Nebula class was launched in the 2350s. The project was developed in parallel with Galaxy, so identical systems were installed on them. This made it possible to significantly improve Nebula class. On ships of this class, the engineering building is installed directly behind the “plate” to save two hundred meters long. In operation, starships showed themselves perfectly and played a significant role in the scientific and research programs of the Star Fleet. Nebula modernized starship develops the maximum speed of Warp-9.9.


Defiant was developed in 2365 as a ship capable of resisting Borgov ships. The project provided for new weapons modules, such as quantum torpedoes and a pulse phase gun. It was supposed to create a small and hardy ship with the most possible gun force. However, the project did not justify itself and was closed.


Intrasid class was commissioned in 2369. In addition to the streamlined shape, starships of this class were distinguished by a variable geometry Gondol of curvature and the most modern weapons systems. New bioneiron schemes allowed the ship's sensors to exchange data with computers at extremely high speeds. The ship was able to sit on the surface of the planet or other space body, which made it independent of the work of shuttles or conveyor.

Since Interedid starships could not carry a large number of torpedoes and supply powerful phaser batteries, the star fleet used them as scouts. But the development was long terminated when it became known that the ship of this class of USS Voyager disappeared on the first task.



Year of creation: 2372

Captain: Jean-Luk Picard

Sovereign class development began in 2338. It was originally planned to make it similar to Ambassador, but to greatly increase combat power. During modernizations of 2350, 2355 and in 2360, many Galaxy class systems, such as gondolas and curvature core, were included in Sovereign. The decisive event to launch Sovereign into serial production was the first contact with the Borgam in 2365.

The main weapon of the starship was phaser batteries like XII, which allowed to conduct 60% more powerful fire than Galaxy class phasers. The Sovereign protective system was designed specifically to resist high -energy power rays and phase polarized particles – weapons used by Borgi and Dominion. The speed of the vessel was the warp-9.99.

Star bases

For many years, the star fleet depended greatly on the space bases, where the ships could build, repair and supply resources. If at the beginning of the era of space development of the star base there were nothing more than transshipment points, then by the middle of the XXIII century people realized the need to create large bases, essentially small orbital cities. In the XXIV century, the production of ships was switched to stellar docks, and the vacant internal space of stations was used to improve the living conditions of the crew. In addition, space stations form the defense network of the Federation.

► Cosmic dock in the orbit of the Earth.

Deep Space Nine

Year of creation: 2351

One of the most interesting stations under the control of the Federation is the unique Deep Space Nine. Was created by cardassia in orbit of the planet Bajor to process minerals. When the occupation of Bajora ended, the Kardassians left the station, and the Bajor residents asked the Federation to help in managing this space object. And when an artificial wormhole created by the unknown race was formed near Deep Space Nine, the station became the main stop for starships flying into a quadrant of gamut.

Ships of the Klingon empire

Starships of this warlike race match her: maneuverable, armed to the teeth and well -protected. Clingons prefer to give the interior not under the laboratories, but for barracks for assault detachments.


The stronghold of the military power of the Klinon Fleet at the end of the XXIII century, the class K’T’INGA was commissioned in 2269. Two installations for photon torpedoes of high power and new dizraptors developed for this project were placed on the ship. The powerful core of the curvator and new gondolas allowed to significantly increase the speed and maneuverability of the starship in different flight modes. The class was repeatedly modernized, and its modifications remained as part of the Imperial Fleet until the 2370s.

Bird of Prey

Throughout the Cold War, many Klingon ships worked as scouts between the federation and the Clingon Empire, moving through the federation and attacked poorly protected objects. In this role, the Bird of Prey starship was very dangerous for the federation, since, like the same Romulan ships, they were equipped with invisibility generators. However, the advantage of "invisible" was lost after the invention of the federation of self -leading photon torpedoes.

The appearance of Bird of Prey is typical for Klinon ships. The main torpedo apparatus is located at the front point of the case, behind it is a command cabin and cabins. In the rear of the ship there were engineering and cargo compartments, as well as an emergency torpedo apparatus. The wings allow the ship to move in the atmosphere, the planting device is also provided. Thus, Bird of Prey was the first ship with a warp engine capable of sitting on planets.


Outwardly not distinguishable from Bird of Prey, B’Rel was three times longer, which already attributes it to the category of cruisers. Due to the increase in size, the designers placed two more main and three emergency torpedo installations on the ship, increased the number of dysraptor guns from two to eight, strengthened the armor and modernized the rest of the systems. B’Rel class entered the service in 2327.


Vor’Cha was conceived as a worthy successor of the K’T’INGA class, as well as as the answer of the Klingons on the Ambassador Federation. The project was approved in 2332 and immediately ran into a number of technical difficulties. While they were overcome, the star fleet began to design the new Nebula class, which promised to surpass Vor’Cha in many ways. There were no choice for the Clingons how to return to the original drawings and finalize the project. It was supposed to strengthen armor in the core of the sparks, gondol and platforms with weapons, as well as create a quick -shot torpedo complex.

The construction of ships of the redesigned class Vor’Cha began in 2345. New starships entered the service in 2351, three years before the release of the first Nebula. Initially, the Klinonsky ship was more powerful than the analogue of the Federation, but shortly after the Nebula class was modernized and equipped with a more slaughter weapon, including antimatter emitter, the clinings lost the advantage. The appearance of the Galaxy Federation has finally changed the balance of power, and the Vor’Cha class began to be rapidly outdated.


The first class of the class, built in the 2360s, differed from previous Klinon starships with enhanced protection and weapons. NEGH’VAR class borrowed a system of shields from the Klinonsky orbital platforms, and its double hull from Dyurania and Trinitani is strengthened by twenty -five centimeters of high -strength armor. The cruiser carries enough weapons and supplies on board so that its assault detachments can without a break to fight on the surface of the planets for up to ten days. If necessary, Negh’var can support the ground forces of the orbital bombardment or teleportation of additional weapons. Launched into mass Cosmobet sister sites production in 2371, Negh’Var is rightfully considered the flagship of the Klinon Fleet.

Ships of the Romulans Star Empire

The Romulan fleet consisted of a variety of ships: scouts, research vessels, even remotely controlled starships. But the most military models brought the greatest glory of this empire.

Bird of Prey

One of the most interesting models of the 2260s, Bird of Prey was the first military vessel equipped with invisibility generator. Its other plus was firepower. Cons – low speed and limited range. A power field, selectively deflecting light and other impulses (like radar signals), requires a huge amount of energy, therefore, in the invisibility mode, Bird of Prey can neither open fire nor raise the shields.

A similar class of ships at the Klingons appeared thanks to the deal with the Romulans. In exchange for invisibility technology, the Romulan Empire received several heavy cruisers D-7, which quickly became the core of its fleet.

D’ Deridex

Outwardly overwhelming sizes and power of the ships of the class d’ Deridex are deceptive. Most of these starships have the interior of the internal space is occupied by landing and auxiliary equipment. Although D’A -Deridex dysraptors make a strong impression, they are significantly superior to the phaser batteries of the star fleet. Over the past few years, the Federation has also achieved significant success in counteracting the technology of invisibility.

Vulcan starships

The first alien spaceship that people faced was the Vulcan T’Plana-Shaath. He landed at the starting platform "Phoenix", and so the first contact of two races took place on Earth. Vulcan starships are distinguished by an elongated corps and a ring-shaped gondola of a warp engine. Although the cylindrical gondola used in the federation of the Federation is recognized as more effective, the Gondols of the Vulcan residents remain competitive.


Surak class ships prevailed in the Vulcan Fleet of the XXII century and much exceeded the ships of people of that time. The starship could accelerate to the speed of the Warp-6.5 and was equipped with a power beam and refining shields.


Outwardly similar to Surak class ships, these starships were larger and better armed. SH’RAAN with the speed of Varp-7-the fastest Vulcan ship of the XXII century.

Geometric bodies of the Borgs

Although the Borgs also had starships of less exotic form, first of all, the star expansion of this race is associated with cubes and spheres.

Cube of the Borgov

These colossal starships are located on the front edge of the cyborg invasion. Cube is able to assimilate everything in its path: metal, organic life forms, equipment in a few hours are completely integrated into the Borgov ship, replenishing its fuel reserves and other resources. The enemy starships Cuba simply tears into pieces, and the planets completely devastate.

All services are evenly distributed on the ship. The starship is protected by the adapting system of shields: you never know what power of the weapon can break through them. Decentralized systems allow the ship to withstand severe damage: the cube continues to function if 80% of the vessel is destroyed. And even if the main functions of the ship are impaired, recovery systems based on nanotechnologies will work. And for the full control of the cube, several crew members are enough.

At the same time, over time, weaknesses of the cube were discovered. For example, with a constant bombardment of particles, the central energy network of the ship can be installed on the reverse cycle, after which the cube will be self -destroyed.

The sphere of the Borgs

The sphere is much less than a cube – about 500-700 meters in diameter – and more noticeably more vulnerable. These ships are located inside the cube and leave it through the central hatch. Areas are better adapted to rapidly changing conditions and become necessary in emergency situations. Judging by the fact that they carry light weapons and are not so well protected, it can be assumed that the standard areas are designed for research or intelligence tasks.

* * *

Now you imagine what controlled objects plow the spaces of the cosmos in the XXIV century, and you will not feel uneducated by a rustic, if you suddenly survive until this time. Well, if you expect to take an exam on a spaceship in the distant future, you can always find information you are interested in – from the color of the overall lights on the Romulan cruisers to the capacity of Deep Space Nine in Tribble – in the World Information Network.

Even more articles about "start -up" | The official website of the film

7 game configurations PC for every taste and wallet

The choice of platform for the future computer is becoming more and more difficult. On the one hand, the novelty from the company Intel , quad -core processor Core i3-8100 , Shows a similar to AMD Ryzen 5 1500x performance. But the cost of a decent motherboard for Socket LGA1151V2 reduces the savings from the processor to naught. In addition, AMD The overclocking potential is higher. The torment of the choice is how they are!

Cheap and angry

System unit from 38 to 50 thousand rubles

8 GB of RAM in the basic configuration – at the moment, it is precisely such a volume that is recommended for most games in the environment Windows 10.

CPU: AMD RYZEN 3 1300X (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.5–3.7 GHz, L2-kesh 2 MB, L3-Cash 8 MB) 8060 ($ 130.2)
Kuler: DeepCool Gammax 200t (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900–1600 rpm, 17.8–21.6 dB) 820 ($ 13.5)
Motherboard: ASROCK AB350 PRO4 (ATX, Socket AM4, AMD B350, 4X DDR4-2133/3200 MHz up to 64 GB, 2x PCIe X16, 4x PCIe X1, 6x SATA Rev. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, 5x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, Lan, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, Audio) 5900 ($ 94.6)
Memory: 2x 4 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Crucial Ballistix Sport LT BLS4G4D240FSB 7500 ($ 119.2)
Video card: MSI GTX 1050 AERO ITX 2G OCV1 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050, 1404-1518/7008 MHz, 2 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort) 10800 ($ 172.6)
Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2800 ($ 44.2)
Corps: Accord ACC-B301 (ATX, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1260 ($ 20.7)
Power supply: Aerocool VX400 (400 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 2X SATA, 2x Molex, 6-Pin) 1500 ($ 24)
System block: 38 900 ($ 618.7)
CPU replacement: AMD Ryzen 5 1400 (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.2–3.4 GHz, L2-kesh 2 MB, L3-Cash 8 MB) 2500 ($ 39.8)
Replacing the video card: MSI GTX 1050 Ti Aero ITX 4G OCV1 (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 TI, 1341–1455/7008 MHz, 4 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort) 5350 ($ 85)
Replacing hard drive: 2 TB Seagate ST2000DM006 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 690 ($ 21.6)
Food replacement: Aerocool KCAS-500W (500 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 7X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin) 820 ($ 13.9)
With all the haltering: 49 010 ($ 778.8)
Mouse: A4Tech Bloody Q80 (3200 DPI, wired) 1000 ($ 16.2)
Keyboard: A4Tech X7-G800MU (wired, 126 keys, USB-hab) 1640 ($ 26.5)
Columns: Sven SPS-619 (2.0, 2x 10 W, 70 – 22,000 Hz) 2016 ($ 32.1)
Monitor: BenQ GW2270HM (A-MVA, 21.5 inches, 1920×1080, 5 ms, 250 kD/m², 3000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, 2x 1W) 7240 ($ 115,1)
With the periphery: 60 980 ($ 968.5)


System unit from 55 to 75 thousand rubles

Processors Ryzen with index X are a little more expensive than their slower brothers. Surcharge of 1000 rubles for AMD Ryzen 5 1500x more than justified by half the cache and increased working frequencies.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.5–3.7 GHz, L2-kesh 2 MB, L3-Cash 16 MB) 11 800 ($ 187.6)
Kuler: DeepCool Gammax 200t (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900–1600 rpm, 17.8-21.6 dB) 820 ($ 13.5)
Motherboard: ASROCK AB350 PRO4 (ATX, Socket AM4, AMD B350, 4X DDR4-2133/3200 MHz up to 64 GB, 2x PCIe X16, 4x PCIe X1, 6x SATA Rev. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, 5x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, Lan, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, Audio) 5900 ($ 94.6)
Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Crucial Ballistix Sport LT BLS2C8G4D240FSE 13 480 ($ 214.8)
Video card: MSI GTX 1050 Ti Aero ITX 4G OCV1 (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI, 1341–1455/7008 MHz, 4 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort) 16 200 ($ 257.5)
Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2770 ($ 44.2)
Corps: Accord ACC-B301 (ATX, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1260 ($ 20.7)
Power supply: Hipro HPE450W (450 W, 120 mm, 24-Pin, 4+4-PIN, 4X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6-Pin) 1700 ($ 27.4)
System block: 54 180 ($ 860.1)
Replacement of the video card: Palit PA-GTX1060 Dual 6G (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, 1506-1708/8000 MHz, 6 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 12 033 ($ 191)
Kuler replacement: Deepcool Gammax 300 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900–1600 rpm, 18–21 dB) 378 ($ 6.4)
SSD installation: 240 GB Silicon Power M-Series SP240GBSS3M55M28 (M.2 2280, recording – 530 MB/s, reading – 560 MB/s) 5420 ($ 86.8)
Food replacement: Thermaltake LT-550P (550 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 5X SATA, 4X Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin) 630 ($ 10.6)
With all the haltering: 72 700 ($ 1154.5)
Mouse: A4Tech Bloody V7M (3200 dpi, wired) 1260 ($ 20)
Keyboard: A4Tech Bloody B188 (wired, 110 keys, backlight) 1950 ($ 31.6)
Columns: Sven MS-305 (2.1, 40 W, 40 – 20,000 Hz) 3210 ($ 51.7)
Monitor: Acer K222HQLCBID (IPS, 21.5 inches, 1920×1080, 4 ms, 250 kD/m², d-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI) 8130 ($ 129.3)
With the periphery: 87 380 ($ 1387)

Death to the brakes

System unit from 78 to 95 thousand rubles

This is not to say that video cards are cheaper before our eyes. But positive dynamics is definitely observed. For 28,000 rubles, you can already buy a video card with GPU Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 and 6 GB video memory on board. For example, Palit PA-GTX1060 Dual 6G with an effective cooling system and good acceleration abilities.

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 1700 (Summit Ridge, 8 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.0–3.7 GHz, L2-Cash 4 MB, L3-Cash 16 MB) 20 530 ($ 326.7)
Kuler: DeepCool Gammax 300 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900–1600 rpm, 18–21 dB) 1247 ($ 19.8)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-AX370-GAMING K3 (ATX, Socket AM4, AMD X370, 4X DDR4-2133/3200 MHz up to 64 GB, 2x PCIe X16, 3x PCIe X1, 8x Sata Rev Rev Rev. 3, 2x SATA Express, M.2, PS/2, 2x USB 3.1, 6x USB 3.0, LAN, HDMI, S/PDIF, Audio) 8170 ($ 129.7)
Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Crucial Ballistix Sport LT BLS2C8G4D240FSE 13 530 ($ 214.8)
Video card: Palit PA-GTX1060 Dual 6G (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060, 1506–1708/8000 MHz, 6 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 28 250 ($ 448.5)
Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2770 ($ 44.2)
Corps: Accord ACC-B301 (ATX, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1300 ($ 20.7)
Power supply: Thermaltake LT-550P (550 W, 120 mm, 24-Pin, 4+4-PIN, 5X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin) 2380 ($ 37.9)
System block: 78 200 ($ 1241.9)
Processor replacement: AMD Ryzen 7 1700x (Summit Ridge, 8 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.0–3.7 GHz, L2-kesh 4 MB, L3-Cash 16 MB) 3250 ($ 51.7)
Replacing the video card: Gigabyte GV-N1060G1 GAMING-6GD (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, 1620-1847/8008 MHz, 6 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 3700 ($ 58.7)
SSD installation: 240 GB Silicon Power M-Series SP240GBSS3M55M28 (M.2 2280, recording – 530 MB/s, reading – 560 MB/s) 5470 ($ 86.8)
Building: Aerocool Dead Silence 230 Black Edition (ATX, 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 3900 ($ 62.8)
With all the haltering: 94 560 ($ 1501.7)
Mouse: A4Tech Bloody A9081 (4000 dpi, wired) 1920 ($ 30.5)
Keyboard: A4Tech Bloody B328 (wired, 104 keys, backlight) 2060 ($ 32.8)
Columns: Sven MS-2100 (2.1, 80 watts, 40 – 20,000 Hz) 5220 ($ 83.3)
Monitor: IIYAMA Prolite E2483HS-B1 (TN, 24 inches, 1920×1080, 2 ms, 250 kD/m2, 1000: 1, d-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, 2X 1 W) 9450 ($ 150.3)
With the periphery: 113 270 ($ 1798.4)

Everything is maximum

System unit from 95 to 130 thousand rubles

This configuration with the processor Intel Core i7-8700 a little more expensive than the previous one on the basis AMD and gives the user only a slight jump in performance, but the ability to choose a platform for the further development of his game PC.

CPU: Intel Core i7-8700 (Coffee Lake, 6 nuclei, Socket LGA1151V2, 3.2–4.6 GHz, L3-Cash 12 MB) 21 850 ($ 346.9)
Kuler: DeepCool Gammax 400 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900–1500 rpm, 21–32 dB) 1560 ($ 24.7)
Motherboard: MSI Z370 GAMING PLUS (ATX, Socket LGA1151V2, Intel Z370, 4X DDR4-2133/4000 MHz to 64 GB, 2X PCIE X16, 4X PCIE X1, 6x SATA Rev Rev Rev. 3, m.2, PS/2, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, LAN, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, Audio) 9405 ($ 149.3)
Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-3000 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2C3000C16 16220 ($ 257.5)
Video card: Gigabyte GV-N1060G1 Gaming-6GD (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, 1620–1847/8008 MHz, 6 GB GDDR5, PCIe 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 31 940 ($ 507.1)
Hard disc: 2 TB Seagate ST2000DM006 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 4 140 ($ 65.7)
Corps: Aerocool Dead Silence 230 Black Edition (ATX, 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 5 250 ($ 83.4)
Power supply: Thermaltake TR2 S TRS-650AH2NK (650 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 5X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 3 590 ($ 57)
System block: 94 330 ($ 1491.4)
Video card replacement: MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, 1607–1797/8108 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5, PCIe 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 19 920 ($ 316.2)
Installation SSD: 256 GB WD Black WDS256G1x0C (M.2 2280, record – 700 MB/s, reading – 2050 MB/s) 7 730 ($ 122.7)
Building: Aerocool P7-C1 Big Glass (ATX, 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1 800 ($ 28.6)
Replacing hard drive: 4 TB Toshiba X300 HDWE140UZSVA (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 128 MB) 4 580 ($ 72.7)
With all the haltering: 127 970 ($ 2031.4)
Mouse: A4Tech Bloody R70 (4000 dpi, wired) 2 210 ($ 35.1)
Keyboard: Oklick 920g Iron Edge (wired, 104 keys, backlight) 4 190 ($ 66.6)
Columns: Sven MC-10 (2.0, 2x 25 W, 45 – 27,000 Hz) 6 350 ($ 100.9)
Monitor: BenQ GL2760H (TN, 27 inches, 1920×1080, 2 ms, 300 kD/m², 1000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI) 12,000 ($ 190.5)
With the periphery: 152 730 ($ 2424.3)

Take it, but buy!

System unit from 125 to 145 thousand rubles

The price of video cards with GPU GeForce GTX 1070 spin around 45,000 rubles. There are just two GTX 1060. Alas, NVIDIA secured her senior video cards from internal competition and turned off support SLI In the younger rulers. The closest competitor, AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 , Even more expensive.

CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K (Coffee Lake, 6 nuclei, Socket LGA1151V2, 3.7–4.7 GHz, L3-Cash 12 MB) 26 210 ($ 416.1)
Kuler: Titan Hati TTC-NC15TZ/KU (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 800–2200 rpm, 15–35 dB) 2 380 ($ 37.9)
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z370 Aorus Gaming K3 (ATX, Socket LGA1151V2, Intel Z370, 4X DDR4-2133/4000 MHz to 64 GB, 2X PCIE X16, 4X PCIE X1, 6X SATA ReV. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, LAN, DVI, HDMI, Audio) 10 820 ($ 171.7)
Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-3000 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2C3000C16 16 220 ($ 257.5)
Video card: MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, 1607–1797/8108 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 51 860 ($ 823.3)
Hard disk: 4 TB TOSHIBA X300 HDWE140UZSVA (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 128 MB) 8 720 ($ 138.4)
Corps: NZXT S340 Razer (ATX, 2x 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, audio) 6 660 ($ 105.8)
Power supply: Thermaltake TR2 S TRS-650AH2NK (650 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 5X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 3 590 ($ 57)
System block: 126 460 ($ 2007.4)
Svo installation: his own Deepcool WaterCooler Maelstrom 240 (copper, 2x 120 mm, 600–2200 rpm, 18–39 dB) 2 980 ($ 47.3)
Replacement of the video card: Gigabyte GV-N1080TTOC-8GD (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080, 1632–1797/10010 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5X, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 4 910 ($ 78)
Installation SSD: 256 GB WD Black WDS256G1x0C (M.2 2280, record – 700 MB/s, reading – 2050 MB/s) 7 730 ($ 122.7)
Building: Nzxt H440 (ATX, 140 mm, 3x 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1 670 ($ 26.5)
With all the haltering: 143 750 ($ 2281.7)
Mouse: Razer Deathadder 3500 (3500 dpi, wired) 3 870 ($ 61.4)
Keyboard: Razer Cynosa Pro (wired, 104 keys, backlight) 3 310 ($ 52.6)
Columns: Sven MC-20 (2.0, 2x 45 W, 40 – 27,000 Hz) 9,000 ($ 142.8)
Monitor: IIYAMA Prolite X288888HS-B2 (VA, 28 inches, 1920×1080, 5 ms, 300 kD/m2, 3000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x 3 W) 14 090 ($ 223,7 )
With the periphery: 174 000 ($ 2762)

SpinLand sister sites


System unit from 145 to 175 thousand rubles

If you are close to strict aesthetics of the company's game accessories Razer , frame Nzxt H440 Razer created specifically for you. The price is slightly higher than the standard H440 , but to assemble a system in a single style is worth a lot.

CPU: Intel Core i7-8700K (Coffee Lake, 6 nuclei, Socket LGA1151V2, 3.7–4.7 GHz, L3-Cash 12 MB) 26 210 ($ 416.1)
Kuler: DeepCool Neptwin V2 (aluminum + copper, 2x 120 mm, 900–1500 rpm, 18-30 dB) 2 940 ($ 46.6)
Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix Z370-H GAMING (ATX, Socket LGA1151V2, Intel Z370, 4X DDR4-2133/4000 MHz to 64 GB, 3X PCIE X16, 3X PCIE X1, 6X SATE ReV. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, 2x USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, LAN, DVI, HDMI, S/PDIF, Audio) 13 020 ($ 206.7)
Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-3000 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2C3000C16 16 220 ($ 257.5)
Gigabyte GV-N1080WF3OC-8GD (NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 1080, 1657-1797/10010 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5X, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 58 820 ($ 933.7)
Hard disk: 4 TB TOSHIBA X300 HDWE140UZSVA (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 128 MB) 8 720 ($ 138.4)
Corps: Nzxt H440 Razer (ATX, 140 mm, 3x 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 10 170 ($ 161.5)
Power supply: Thermaltake Smart DPS SPG-0750DPCG (750 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 8X SATA, 3x Molex, 4x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 8 350 ($ 132.5)
System block: 144 440 ($ 2292.7)
Svo installation: his own DeepCool WaterCooler Maelstrom 240 (copper, 2x 120 mm, 600–2200 rpm, 18–39 dB) 2 430 ($ 38.6)
Additional memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-3000 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK16GX4M2C3000C16 16 220 ($ 257.5)
Installation SSD: 256 GB WD Black WDS256G1x0C (M.2 2280, record – 700 MB/s, reading – 2050 MB/s) 7 730 ($ 122.7)
Replacing the motherboard: MSI Z370 Gaming M5 (ATX, Socket LGA1151V2, Intel Z370, 4X DDR4-2133/4000 MHz to 64 GB, 3X PCIE X16, 3X PCIE X1, 6x SATA Rev Rev. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, USB 3.1, 2x USB 3.0, 3x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, LAN, HDMI, DisplayPort, S/PDIF, Audio) 1 320 ($ 20.9)
With all the haltering: 172 130 ($ 2732.2)
Mouse: Razer Deathadder Essential (6400 dpi, wired) 5 520 ($ 87.6)
Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth 2016 (wired, 104 keys, backlight, USB hub) 7 730 ($ 122.7)
Columns: Edifier R2730DB (2.0, 136 W, 45 – 20,000 Hz) 16,750 ($ 265.9)
Monitor: IIYAMA G-Master B2783QSU-B1 (TN, 27 inches, 2560 × 1440, 1 ms, 350 kD/m2, 1000: 1, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x 2 W, USB-hab) 20 320 ($ 322, 5)
With the periphery: 222 440 ($ 3530.8)

I saw you in a dream

System unit with the most powerful filling, the price of which is not limited

The main difference Pro -versions Gigabyte GA-X299 Aorus Gaming 7 From the predecessor – active cooling of power chains. A very useful option for a highly loaded system. Hard drive Seagate Helium ST10000NM0086 , One of the first with helium in hermobox shows a record exchange rate in its class while maintaining a reasonable operating temperature and low energy consumption.

CPU: Intel Core i9-7980xe (Skylake-X, 18 nuclei, Socket LGA2066, 2.6–4.2 GHz, L2-Cash 18 MB, L3-Cash 24.75 MB) 160,000 ($ 2539.9)
Kuler: Swell Corsair H115i (copper, 2x 140 mm, 2000 rpm, 40 dB) 11,200 ($ 177.8)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X299 Aorus Gaming 7 Pro (EATX, LGA2066, Intel X299, 8x DDR4-2133/4400 MHz up to 512 GB, 5x PCIe X16, 8x SATA Rev Rev. 3, 3x m.2, 4x USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, USB Type-C, S/PDIF -out, 2X LAN, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.1, audio) 37 090 ($ 588.6)
Memory: 8x 16 GB DDR4-3600 MHz Corsair Vengeance RGB CMR128GX4M8X3600C18 140 700 ($ 2233.4)
Video cards: 2x MSI GTX 1080 Ti Armor 11G (GeForce GTX 1080 TI, 1531–1645/11016 MHz, 11 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 x16, DVI, 2x HDMI, 2X DisplayPort) 165 970 ($ 2634.5)
SSD: 1 TB Samsung 960 Pro MZ-V6P1T0BW (M.2 2280, record – 2100 MB/s, reading – 3500 MB/s) 40 120 ($ 636.8)
Hard disc: 10 TB Seagate Helium ST10000NM0086 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 256 MB) 27 860 ($ 442.3)
Disco: ASUS BW-16D1HT/BLK/B/AS (SATA, CD-ROM/RW, DVD-ROM/RAM, DVD ± R/RW, DL, BD-ROM/R/Re, DL) 4 800 ( $ 76.2)
Corps: Cooler Master Cosmos II RC-1200 (Full Tower, ATX, 200 mm, 140 mm, 3x 120 mm, 4x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0, Esata, Audio, Reoobas) 30 620 ($ 486.1)
Power supply: Thermaltake Tougpower DPS G (1200 W, ATX, 140 mm, 24-PIN, 8-Pin, 4+4-Pin, 12x SATA, 8x Molex, 8x 6+2-Pin, 2x FDD) 17 270 ($ 274 , 2)
Keyboard: Logitech G910 Orion Spectrum (wired, 125 keys) 11 550 ($ 183.3)
Mouse: Steelseries Rival 700 (7 buttons, 16,000 dpi, optical, wired) 7 500 ($ 119.2)
Columns: Edifier S760 D (5.1, 5x 60 + 240 watts, 35-20,000 Hz) 40,000 ($ 634.7)
Monitor: IIYAMA PROLITE X4071UHSU-B1 (VA, 39.5 inches, 3840 × 2160, 3 ms, 350 kD/m2, 5000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), 3X HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x 6W, USB-hab) 41 400 ($ 657.3)
With all the haltering: 736 060 ($ 11 683.5)

IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle for Britain

When we prepared the January preview " IL-2 Sturmovik: Battle for Britain ", Talked with the developers and looked at the still not completed version of the game, the sky seemed to be covered with diamonds – everything looked so cool a few months before the release. Beautiful landscapes, breathtaking attention to details, a chic flight model – all said that the games of the series " Il-2 attack aircraft "And henceforth, one of the main articles of Russian exports abroad will remain immediately after oil, gas, MiG-29 aircraft and nesting dolls.

The preview ended on an optimistic note: “It is unlikely that we will soon see a more reliable, realistic and beautiful aircraft system. "Battle for Britain" is a unique manual game game. Made in Russia ". The last phrase, alas, has become fatal.

The personnel decide everything

The game that appeared on sale after the seven years of waiting was least like the game and in the original, unsuccessful form (namely, this version went to both us and all customers) was practically incompetent.

The main problem is the terrible performance of the game. Even on top computers that are much superior to recommended system requirements, it regularly shows a slide show with 1-3 FPS, and when the personnel meter still goes to an acceptable level (for this you need to get to the ocean or burns your nose into the sky, the main The earth was not visible), light twitching and hanging still turned piloting into hellish flour. And this is before the start of the battle. When German “things” appear on the horizon, and even more so – when trying to open fire on them, the game turned into a static and completely uncontrolled landscape to the player.

After the first patch, which, by the way, happened five days after the release of the game, the situation has improved somewhat, although it is still very far from ideal: microfrisis still occur above the ground, and it is still impossible to fight in London’s sky-the game gives out miserable 10 Personnel per second even on a computer with the Intel Core i5 processor, 8 GB of RAM and GTX 580 video card. The duty excuse about “Iron weak for such a game” will not work here, because only a configuration with two or three graphics cards, and SLI and Crossfire the game in the irony of fate does not support in any form.

Firing article

The producer of the game Ilya Shevchenko answers our questions about the Battle of Britain.

"Gambling": Do you think the "battle for Britain" is a complete, ready to sell product?

Ilya Shevchenko: Finished – of course, no. According to the established tradition, we plan to continue to improve it and expand in the future in the same way as we did with all our products. Much of what we wanted to release in the initial release could not be finalized – such as a dynamic weather module, additional aircraft, DX11 support, improved support for multiducid processors and much more.

And, of course, we are aware of the discontent of many players with the performance of the game. We are actively working with them to solve these problems. Improving the game in this direction is the highest priority for us.

"Gambling": So what is the reason for its low performance?

Ilya Shevchenko: The requirements of Ubisoft's publisher are in many ways to make the game safe for epiletics players. The game was originally developed without the slightest thoughts of epilepsy, so when trying to test it on this item, it became clear that all the aspects of the game did not put it on normal: propeller, shooting, explosions, the sun, passing of the chamber, travel of cars, entry into the hangar, flight on a shaving and so on.

Since epilepsy is caused by the rapid flickering of objects, and the flight simulator is, in principle, the genre about rapidly flickering objects, the whole game from crust to crust was a real nightmare of the epileptic. In order to solve these problems, we had to shove a huge amount of graphic code in a very short time. Nevertheless, there were too many different outbursts in the game, and there is too little time. Moreover, the elimination of many outbreaks was simply impossible without a radical retreat from the basic principle of the simulator – historical fidelity. We would have to abandon the realistic sky, torture all the fire, smoke, explosions, etc.D. and t.p.

As a result, the epileptic filter was made about three weeks before the release from complete hopelessness. Popixel filter compares every previous frame with each new frame. If the pixels are too different in brightness, the filter averages the new pixel to the fitting limits. How easy it is to imagine, this filter delays the appearance of each new frame – and the more pixels in it, the more it beats in performance. But now we still received permission to remove this filter from the Russian version of the game, which will be done with the first patch (our conversation took place before the release of the patch; after its appearance, the game did not "fly").

"Gambling": in the Russian version of the game there are a lot of banal spelling errors. The team did not fit in the deadline?

Ilya Shevchenko: No, oddly enough, the texts were translated (initially the game was created in English) and lay in the game for many months. All the team members and numerous beta testers looked through them. Nevertheless, some obvious mistakes still crept into the game. We have already sent all the texts to the corrector and received them back, they will appear in the game with the first patch.

Gamery: What was the role of Ubisoft in testing the game?

Ilya Shevchenko: The French corporation is not guilty that the game contains a certain number of annoying errors. I bear all responsibility for the game.

"Gambling": Can you advise something to players who have already bought the game and displeased its work?

I hope that ten years of the Il-2 series of life are sufficient evidence that we are seriously approaching business and very appreciate the opinion of fans, constantly improving and developing our aircraft systems. People who bought “forgotten battles” on the day the game released in 2003 will remember that the release of the version was also not without problems, but in a short time we decided and made the game one of the most successful in the entire series.

And now we continue to work on the game – the pace of work has remained as feverish, which he was since the summer. So our advice to fans: read the forums, follow what is happening. I try to be in constant contact with customers, carefully listen to their criticism and wishes and keep everyone aware of what is happening in the team.

I dreamed of the sky of London

It is doubly disappointed that the “battle for Britain” deep down is a really amazing aircraft system. Such games are no longer made, and not at all because of the reduction of the PC-IGR market and the departure of all the best specialists in the console. The reason is much simpler – the same people play them as ten years ago, and there are practically no new pilots. Therefore, the main task of the Battle of Britain was first of all to force these people to transfer to it from the first part of IL-2 and addons to it, in which fans feel at home. And the release of the game in such an indecent form this task is very, very complicated.

Partly, the hardcore air systems themselves are to blame for this, which lived for ten years on the principle of “the more difficult, the better”, and their creators by default believed that all the people on the planet went through the initial aviation training and know where the flaps grow from the plane of the plane. Even though the threshold of entering the IL-2 is much lower than in any other game of the genre (although after after Microsoft Flight Simulator moved to the console and began to be called just Microsoft Fli GHT , The genre, as such, no longer exists), it will be difficult for absolute beginners here – no one will explain to you why the planes fly, how they are controlled, why a trimmer is needed and what is a magneto. In other words, the game is almost unable to instill love for the sky, such as, for example, Gran Turismo It falls in love with cars and motorsport due to its friendliness (and then smoothly increases the level of complexity, turning yesterday's newcomer into a rider). “IL-2 Sturmovik” beginners can only push away-after all, this is an almost complete flight simulator, so you need to know the mathship before you sit in the cabin. The user management answers some questions, but the information is still sorely lacking. The Battle of Britain is a game exclusively for “their own” people who value maximum realism and historical reliability.

Of course, you can fly here by turning off all the “uncomfortable” settings of realism, turning the game almost into an arcade (and the feeling that you control a real plane will not be lost). But in this case, the interest fades away very quickly, because all the Il-2 salt is just to feel the plane and squeeze the maximum possible from it, to know its weaknesses and use strong ones to get the advantage over the enemy. In the “Arcadian mode”, it is impossible to achieve such a high affinity, and the interface and convenience of the game are no better than the Spartan cabin of a piston fighter.

We flew, we know

In view of the complete impossibility of playing the computer “Battle of Britain”, we publish here the memories of the pilots who played its real version of 1940.

Lieutenant James Berd, 21 years old, Royal Air Force:

“The sight that opened before us was frightening and bewitching at the same time. At first we saw a luminous cloud – this Sun was reflected from the chrome parts of their aircraft, from the screws and glasses in the cabins. Then our link came closer to them, and I was able to distinguish the details. I could see the yellow noses of the Messerschmitts, at that moment they seemed to me with sharp beaks of birds of prey. It seemed that the whole sky was filled with German aircraft ".

Lieutenant Tim Flawers, 20 years old, Royal Air Force:

“When a senior officer appeared in the barracks and said that we soon have the first combat flight, we were shocked. Everyone who could control the plane was sent to the battle. Yesterday we were proud that we were holding in the air without outside help, and tomorrow we had to participate in a real war. I did not even know how to aim at then – I tried to shoot all the cartridges towards the enemy faster in the hope that I would get on … Now many are comparing the characteristics of the cars of that time, but no one thinks about the people who kept the helm ”.

Captain Paul Brimson, 29 years old, Royal Air Force:

“It was during one fight over Southampton. We crashed a great fascist steam room and shot down a few “pieces”, but I got it hard. When we turned back, I realized that I was unlikely to reach the airfield, and decided to catapult. But only the rag opened over me, as a flying gust of wind demolished me back to the city. I flew and looked at the city streets until I landed on the roof of some mansion. Later I found out what the same thing happened with two pilots of our squadron. In the evening we joked that they first had precipitation in the form of aviators. I know that it sounds strange, because then three to four times a day went to death, but we needed a reason to laugh ”.

Lieutenant Stefan Muntz, 30 years old, Luftwaffe:

“… The next goal immediately turned out to be before my eyes – three hundred meters ahead of me, at the same height, Spitfire finished the U -turn. He also saw me and changed the course – now he was moving right on me. I grabbed the helm with both hands, trying to make the plane move smoothly and the sight remains motionless. Through it I saw an approaching fighter. For a moment, the phrase that we were told before every flight surfaced: “Victory or death expected you …” We hit at the same time, I heard the bullets stuck on the casing of the case, but the luck was on my side – turning around, I saw how My opponent loses its height ".

Lieutenant German Sholle, 25 years old, Luftwaffe:

“This time is remembered by one big battle-either above the water, then above the sea, then against a couple of aircraft, then against several dozen … I still remember every flight, because each time I had to invent something new, offer the enemy new moves. Otherwise, in that war it was simply not to survive ".

It would seem, what does Il-2 have to do with it?

But experienced pilots will be in the seventh heaven with happiness. If you forget for a second in what form the game appeared on the shelves, you understand that it just has titanic potential. No other aircraft system so accurately transfers the romance of the piston aircraft era, when the skills of the pilot himself played a paramount role, and not the electronic filling of the aircraft. Only here, the fla Highs begin to shake when the Messerschmitt sits on your tail, and only here are two or three broken aircraft for a mission are considered a success. Indeed, in order to knock down at least one enemy, it is not enough just to combine the sight of your machine gun with its fuselage (which in itself is very difficult). It is important that the bullets fall into the vital node of the enemy fighter (engine, fuel tank or steering rods), and do not pass through the skin. Therefore, when, after a grueling five -minute duel, the smoking “Messerschmitt” will fly towards the earth with a stone, you will feel as if you had just won the second world.

The latest statement is more likely to the multiplayer-it has always been good at IL-2, and the war against computer rivals can be considered a kind of training before real battles online. A full -fledged mission editor is supplied with the game for single and multiplayer battles. Given the devoted (no matter what) community, one of the modmakers, probably, already at the days and nights painstakingly pulls out the game of his dreams from the Battle of Britain.

A single campaign, as it is easy to guess, is dedicated to the battle for Britain 1940., One of the most important air battles of World War II. Aviation Park is appropriate: Henkels, Junkers and Messerschmitts are from the German side, and from the English – “Spitfires”, “Howeers” and “Blenims”. It is probably not worth telling that each model is worked out to the smallest detail both externally and in behavior on the ground and in the air: in the case of IL-2, it simply cannot be different. Suffice it to say that if you have learned to start a motor from one aircraft, it is not at all https://sister-site.org/spinland/ a fact that you can do the same on the other without theoretical preparation. Fortunately, to memorize what each key on the keyboard does is now completely optional: in all planes to the last screw, cockpit is simulated with all devices, buttons and levers that can be twisted and impressed uncomfortable. The same manic attention to the details applies to the model of damage: each shot is counted separately, visually damage is displayed exactly where the bullet has got it, and the final result depends on the place of hit and the type of project.

There are a lot of nuances, and it is for the sake of them that thousands of aviation fans are now selflessly sitting on the forums, trying to find a magical way to get extra five frames per second from the game, arguing with developers about the incorrect composition of the mixture in the carburetor or asking more experienced colleagues, how is it all -A. Start the engine on the Spitfire. These holy people still do not know that the world around them has long changed: Crysis 2 It turns out on the consoles and at the same time does not slow down at all, and the game that requires a dozen patches for normal work does not wait for these patches, forcing its creators to replenish the bottomless ocean of studios working on casual games for Facebook.

* * *

Air systems are now worried, probably, the most difficult times over the entire time of their existence – the whole genre consists of one and a half games, and new ones in the foreseeable future are not planned. The current generation of players cannot be interested in history and aviation with the help of obsolete games; The Battle of Britain has also missed its chance to attract a new audience.

Even Oleg Medox, the creator and chief ideologist Il-2 Stormavik, could not do anything-he recently announced his departure from the gaming industry. So we propose to consider the “Battle of Britain” by the swan song of the whole genre – in the current world it would have been an outsider, but this is just the case when the lost one more to blame, except for himself.


Cool plotNo


Easy to masterNo

Gameplay: 9.0

Graphics: 7.0

Sound and music: 7.0

Interface and management: 6.0

Waited? A raw prototype of a brilliant air system, which, in six months a year, may grow the right details and will be able to stand on the wing normally. We are not advised to sit down for the helm before this time.

Rating: Semi -finished product

Photo as a keepsake. Real and far -fetched charms of a modern photo market

Photo as a keepsake. Real and far -fetched charms of a modern photo market

Those who have already planned and ruined their miracle leave, and those who are just going to have been going to, unite one thing: the desire to make the very photo card “I and the Eiffel Tower”. It would seem that it remains to choose the right camera – and on the way! But no. Stores are breaking from hundreds of cameras – with matrices with such and linen, rubberized and metal buildings, with removable lenses and without. And most importantly, everything is flooded with such a fat marketing sauce that with a scene the usefulness of the bells should be determined. We revealed nine trends of a modern photo market and tell me what to believe and what is not – the good in the yard is time for sales and it's time to buy a good camera inexpensive.

Megapixel race

Matrix 16 MP (6,2×4.6 mm), a 28-196 mm lens (F3.7-5.6), LCD-display 3 inch, 175 g

In the Nikon Coolpix S6100 camera, an CCD sensor with an excessive resolution of 16 megapixels is installed-this is enough to print posters with coffee quality, which is completely useless in everyday life.

It is hard to believe, but, despite all the efforts of a specialized press, first of all, buyers still pay attention to the number of megapixels in the matrix of cameras. Like, the more megapixels, the better and better the picture will be. Manufacturers feel the slack and continue the silent arms race – in the portfolio of any company there are soapses with a 14 and even 16 megapixel sensors and even 16 megapixels!

Let us once again repeat the known capital truth: after a certain number of megapixels, an increase in the resolution of the sensor without increasing the physical size of the sensor itself does not give an increase in quality. Moreover, the picture can be even worse.

It so happened that in soapses small matrices are usually used in size 6.2×4.6 mm and 7.2×5.3 mm (manufacturers like to mock customers, so they indicate these values ​​as 1/2.3 inches and 1/1.8 inches ). The former are installed in the simplest, mass models, the latter are designed for more serious, semi -professional cameras in larger buildings with supporting manual control of parameters.

As you know, photography is a photograph, or receiving an image on a photosensitive material. In digital cameras, such a material is a matrix formed by photocells – pixels. To fit as much pixels as possible on the matrix, manufacturers first compare them tightly, and then begin to reduce them in size. As a result, each photocell takes less light, gives the image all the darker, and the built -in camera processor has to intensively fight the noise.

For comparison: the size of the sensor of the advanced mirror Canon EOS 5D with a resolution of 12 megapixels is 36×24 mm. And do not think that 12 megapixels are too few, in most cases there are enough of them (unless, of course, you are going to print huge posters for skyscrapers).

Conclusion – Do not succumb to millions of megapixels in soapses! Moreover, for printing a standard photo of 10×15, the camera is enough with a sensor resolution just above 2 megapixels.

My light, mirror

Matrix 12.2 MP (6,2×4.6 mm), lens 25-100 mm (F3.5-4.6), LCD-display 3.5 inches, 149 g

In the Cyber-Shot TX-9, Sony diverged to the fullest-almost the entire rear panel of the camera occupies a 3.5-inch touch display with support for brutal control.

Fashion for sensory displays in cameras came from the market of cell phones – after Apple iPhone proved the suitability of the outlandish concept. It seems that the company risked the first to present the touch camera Sony , Later and others pulled up. And it turned out that all the parameters of the camera are quite convenient to control directly from the display.

Now manufacturers are experimenting as they can. Someone removes all physical buttons, except for the shutter button. Someone implements a sliding case to accommodate additional controls. By tradition, such cameras receive the best displays with a diagonal of 3 inches – if you make the screen less, then the user will go crazy, trying to kiss one or another menu item. Along with a large diagonal, improved color rendering, increased resolution, good viewing angles and other features come. In proportion to all delights increases and the price.

Of the obvious shortcomings of such an approach, excessive fragility of expensive equipment, as well as difficult work under the bright sun: technologies do not yet allow liquid crystalline displays to show the picture in different lights equally good. Well, when falling even from the table from the sensory toy, most likely only pleasant memories will remain.

Find me

Matrix 14 megapixels (6,2×4.6 mm), a 28-140 mm lens (F3.5-5.5), LCD-display of 2.7 inches, 157 g

An unusual Pentax Optio WG-1 GPS camera will definitely like extreme–in addition to recording GPS coordinates, the device offers a well-protected waterproof case.

The rapid development of digital cards and satellite navigation has made another correction to the technical characteristics of cameras: now travelers want the camera not only to remove a beautiful rock at sunset, but also show the coordinates of the place where the frame was made.

At first, the public's desires were satisfied with small additional gadgets – connected modules with GPS support. But once the engineers went further and presented full -fledged cameras for navigation maniacs – integrated modules into their devices to communicate with satellites. And went and went. The technology of the operation of such devices is simple: during the descent of the shutter, both the frame and the coordinates received from the satellite are somewhere high in the sky. Coordinates are recorded directly in EXIF ​​(a container used to store additional information directly inside the file with photography).

Thanks to integration with interactive cards like Google Earth, modern photochemicals and the programs of the organization of albums are well recognized by geothegs (this is what the coordinates of the area in the jargon of lovers go away from civilization). Thus, travelers get the opportunity to quickly show friends where they managed to visit.

Photo with a friend

Matrix 12.2 MP (6,1×4.5 mm), lens 27-124 mm (F3.5-5.9), LCD display 1.5 and 3.5 inch, 187 g

The front 1.5-inch display of the Samsung TL225 (ST550) camera allows you to take photos with friends and shoot smiling children thanks to the output of the yellow emoticon or other picture.

Sometimes the desire to imagine something non-standard and, we are not afraid of this word, the innovative forces the manufacturers to go too far. For example, two years ago a company Samsung I introduced a line of cameras with additional displays in front. Devices should greatly make life easier for single travelers and lovers to make self-portraits.

Many are probably familiar with the situation: you want to take a picture with a friend/girlfriend, and as luck would have it, there is no one to make the desired frame. There is nothing to do – the hand with the camera stretches as far as possible, you click on the descent in the hope of capturing everything you need … And then look at the display and see that only the tops of your heads have fallen into the frame, and most of the picture is occupied by the sky and palm. Well, another attempt … and yet … a camera with a small LCD display in front helps to solve the problem and correctly slurk a picture even from an outstretched hand.

In the same camera there is a special function "Children". It displays a cheerful animated video on the front display, which attracts the attention of a small child. Happy parents should evaluate this opportunity.

Other manufacturers have not yet supported the Samsung initiative – apparently, the idea turned out to be too bold. Moreover, many companies have models with a rotary main display that allows you to photograph yourself without installing an additional screen on the front panel.

A video camera in a pocket

Matrix 12.1 MP (6.2×4.6 mm), 24-105 mm lens (F2.0-5.8), LCD-display 3.2 inch, 185 g

The ability to shoot video in Full HD resolution at a speed of 30 frames per second is one of the main features of the CANON IXUS 310 HS.

Talking about this trend is already somehow indecent, but not to lose sight of it: almost all modern cameras know how to shoot videos in HD-quality. Many -megapixel sensors have long allowed to capture high -definition videos, and now the sensors have grown up and processors: the capacities of the chips installed in the charts are enough for processing HD on the fly and for transcoding the flow in the format suitable for recording a memory card.

A camera that takes a HD video with a frequency of 30 frames per second with a fairly good quality, it is quite possible to find for 4000-5000 rubles. More expensive models remove Full HD and are able to display recorded files to large TVs on HDMI. And although it will not work to get a movie picture on soap men, the quality of videos of modern compact cameras fled far ahead compared to what was just a few years ago. Inexpensive Camcorders were in an uncomfortable position.

And a new trend is already planned on the market. Some manufacturers try to squeeze out the maximum from soap dishes and represent cameras that can record high -quality videos at a speed of 60 frames per second. In practice, this means that thanks to the subsequent computer processing, it will be possible to get excellent effects of slow time a la “Matrix”.

Head against the wall

Matrix 14.2 megapixels (6,2×4.6 mm), 28-140 mm lens (F3.9-4.8), LCD-display of 2.2 inch, 165 g

Bright Fujifilm Finepix XP30 youth chamber is more like a kamkorder than a protected soap dish, which can be immersed to a depth of 5 meters, drop from one and a half meter height, freeze to -10 degrees Celsius and throw it into sand.

Among the crowds of ordinary lazy tourists sometimes come across extreme. Especially for this audience, impact -resistant and waterproof cameras are available, which are suitable for photographing fish at not too much depth and shooting their own jumps directly from snowboarding.

Previously, second companies were produced, but now shock -resistant models are in the line of every second manufacturer. Protectedness in such chambers is achieved thanks to a more durable – often metal – body, rubberized inserts around buttons, lenses in specially designed protective covers and very tight fitting components to each other.

In order not to be unfounded, consider the Olympus Toug-310 camera-according to the passport, the device withstands falling from 1.5-meter heights, immersion under water to a depth of 3 meters, frost up to -10 degrees Celsius (next to these numbers it is usually written that- something like "complies with the standard No. … US Air Force"). At the same time, the characteristics of the camera itself do not suffer at all: the developers managed to fit in the Tough TG-310 14-megapixel sensor with a decent long-focus lens and support for recording video in resolving 1280×720 points.

Olympus Tough TG-310-far from the limit of security. But even more persistent models will have to look for not such well -known manufacturers among lines, and there the quality of the picture will take the third plan.

Do it yourself

Matrix 14.1 MP (6,2×4.6 mm), lens 27.5-110 mm (F3.2-5.9), LCD-display 3 inches, 130 g

The Pentax Optio RS1500 camera differs not only in the possibility of replacing the front panels – this is a smart modern soap dish with the function of automatic determination of faces in the frame.

The craving to adjust the appearance of the beloved gadget under your inner world in our time is especially strong ? No wonder the shops are littered with covers, stickers and covers for all kinds of gadgets. Cameras, unlike top phones, are not tightened with skin, but this does not prevent companies from promoting unusual models with interchangeable panels!

The first to imagine a camera with a variable appearance was decided by Pentax – a simple, but moderately, the Optio RS1500 functional camera is supplied with ten shift panels in the kit. To fix a bright picture, you do not need to conjure with bolts and screwdrivers, engineers provided a simple and comfortable clip. In addition, the design provides for the creation of their own designs: they printed the right image on thick cardboard, cut holes for the lens, a viewfinder, flash – and the change panel is ready.

Looking at the Optio RS1500, I want to object: they say, when the technical characteristics do not shine, marketing tricks are used. But this is not so. The camera in a neat case offers both a 14-megapixel sensor and recording HD-video.

Other manufacturers have not picked up the idea yet, but, I think, they will still be picked up – young people will definitely appreciate the opportunity to hang out with a new camera every day.


Two matrices 10 megapixels (6,2×4.6 mm), two lenses 35-105 mm (F3.7-4.2), LCD-display 3 inch, 230 g

Two lenses on the front panel Fujifilm finepix Real 3D W3 allow you to remove a three -dimensional picture in digital format. Switching to a regular 2D mode occurs by pressing only one button on the case.

Stereoscopic effects are tightly included in our lives: films are shot in 3D, homemade TVs show movies in 3D, games go to 3D. So cameras learn to shoot volumetric images and videos. Manufacturers explore the market carefully, without unnecessary haste – soapses with support for stereo shooting are just starting to appear, but soon, we are sure, 3D will reach everyone.

A three -dimensional picture is recorded thanks to two lenses well spaced in space. Note that film chambers that can shoot in stereo appeared in the fifties of the last century, but the fashion has reached the figure only now. True, with an improvement: in addition to stereo photographs, modern 3D soaps are able to shoot also volumetric video. Of course, such cameras easily switch to a regular, two -dimensional shooting mode to satisfy all the desires of the suffering public at once.

To view volumetric photos, you will have to get stereo in the manner of those that are given in the cinema. And in order to enjoy the volumetric video, you will also have to buy a modern TV or monitor with a frequency of update pictures of 120 Hz. In the meantime, such screens did not appear in every second house, the 3D cameras will remain the destiny of a very narrow audience.

New wave

Matrix 14.2 MP (23.4×15.6 mm), interchangeable lenses, LCD display 3 inch, 297 g

Widely advertised Sony NEX-3 camera-this is a real combine in your pocket. The camera with a large sensor allows you to use lenses from the proprietary ruler, as well as install optics from full -fledged Sony Alpha mirrors through the adapter.

Previously, lovers of photographs https://sister-site.org/casigood/ with claims bought mirror chambers of the lower price range – they gave a noticeably better picture compared to ordinary soapses, even more expensive. Recently, the need to save up on the SLR has disappeared – manufacturers began to massively represent cameras with interchangeable lenses and a large matrix, but without a massive mirror.

Within the framework of the new “micro 4: 3” concept, cameras in very compact buildings are available, but with quite large sensors that allow you to get a very high -quality picture even with weak light. Change optics adds flexibility. There are any lenses in the line of many manufacturers for a new type of camera ? wide -angles, light portraits, long -range lenses, and so on.

Digger offline. Belated Preview Dwarf Fortress

I started writing this text a couple of years ago. Dwarf Fortress At that time, eight years in Alfa Stadium. While I was going to my thoughts, the game managed to transform a great, but something remained unchanged: Dwarf Fortress is still only an alpha version. Yesterday Alpha turned ten years old. It's time for a small preview!

But it, alas, it will not work out small. I could just retell a pack of chic stories that Dwarf Fortress generates continuously. It seems that about the bronze colossus, walled up in the walls (is on the network). Or from their own, about the bed of pork bones. Or one of those that have developed on our broadcasts.

But let's first figure out what the game is generally.

Large strokes

The inhabitants of our planet, from cave residents to people of the industrial era, sought to display reality as accurately as possible. The brushes of artists over time were getting closer to photorealism, to complete imitation. Then the era of decadence came, and the picturesque thought switched to the transmission of images. And the reliably written out cheeks of the mamzeles are a concrete sarcophagus for images, not a showcase.

► DWARF FORTRESS uses ASCII pseudographics. Any other graphics (except for the most primitive texture-packs) simply will not allow you to launch the game, so many things are in it.

Once a game thought made exactly the same somersault. Graphics developed year from year. But the content was more and more simplified (compare, for example, Morrowind And Skyrim). This is also a development. But also on our street there was a decadence. The brightest star of the new revolution – of course, Minecraft.

However, not at all Marcus Persson for the first time neglected the form for the sake of maintenance (otherwise his superpose mushroom would not have started at all). Before him, for example, introversion refused external testimony. DefCon – The best game work about a nuclear war, conveyed in the form of icons, a gloomy map of the world and inscriptions: "20 million died". But that was an exclusively stylistic move: introversion, like thousands of other independent studios, would not damage the content, decorating it “richly”.

► Warehouse and workshop levels. Usually life boils here, and only more people crowd in the gym for feasts and meetings.

Dwarf Fortress, which once served as a source of inspiration for Marcus Persson, was the first and so far a never-over-the-over-the-sore ideal of content. There is simply no place left for the supply. But it is not so necessary – the game simulates the world, its patterns and properties, and not the outer shell.

In the cave of the mountain king

Dwarf Fortress has two main modes, and the first of them has exactly the same name, "Fortress Dvorfs". You can argue, but I think that it has the whole charm of the game.

► Sleeping compartment: the rooms are small, but decorated luxurious: smooth floors, engravings on the walls, stoned furniture.

So the fortress. We take the starting set of colonists – seven brave beards – and a set of utility for the first time, whether it be food, weapons or cattle. If you want – select the expedition yourself, do not want to – take a standard set for all occasions. In any case, your team will arrive in place and the game will begin.

Dwarf Fortress does not set any purpose. Formally, your task is to establish and maintain a flourishing fortress dug in a rock or built on the surface. In practice, this is exactly what the player is doing until he moves to the level when he wants something extravagant.

At your disposal of medium sizes, a square plot of land, in the depths of actually unlimited. The camera with a view of the top observes only one horizontal slice, and the rest have to be flipped through. And more often – the fortress of the Dvorfs always grows vertically. It is useless to fight: if “artificially” slow down this process, the stronghold will quickly take the entire affordable cut.

► huge caves – a problem that you will certainly encounter during geological intelligence. Flooding them with water from the surface is also a solution, albeit controversial.

The traditional appearance of the bearded lair – dug in rocks multi -story network of tunnels and rooms. Not all courtesy will dig it, but at first the only one you arrange with a pick and appoint a miner at all. Classes for underground booze are found decent and without digging tunnels. One enumeration of industries will put in an uncomfortable position the entire kind of role -playing games: work on stone, wood, fishing, jewelry, healthcare, hunting, agriculture, blacksmithing, engineering, architecture … and in each industry there are many individual professions, from the usual blacksmith to to soap and beekeeper.

Physics of disaster

Mechanics Dwarf Fortress has an indecent number of internal systems. Start by the jangles want to get drunk. Without food, they will stretch for some time, catching rats and eating them along with the skin. But without a duty mug of beer, the yardes will have to drink water, and their mood spoils from forced sobriety.

How to get a drink? Grow some culture (you need a farmer) and transfer it (you need a brewer here). Just? But after all, the courtesy should still prepare food (cook) from meat (butter, who will drag the carcass hunter), fish (fisherman and kitchen worker), plants from the farm (again farmer) or wild (herbalist). And if you have a cattle, then milkman, cheese rod, sheep is useful and you never know anyone else. More detailed production chains are associated with weapons, medicine (five professions in medicine alone!), furniture, construction, goods for sale ..

► The most curve of DWARF FORTRESS – Personnel Management. It is solved by programs like Dwarf Therapist, without which to command at least a hundred yard – real hell.

Dwarf Fortress lives according to very complex laws, which is probably not in any game – except in scientific simulations. So, there is physics of current and standing water. There are mechanics of communicating vessels, groundwater, pumps. The stormy stream easily knocks down an adult dawn, and give me an Armok, so that there is no sharp turn in the way, otherwise it will smear along the wall.

With solid substances easier. Mountain and soil arrays consist of conditioned cells that are convenient to represent cubes. But he does not understand such words as “stone” or “soil”, because of the soil species only two dozen types of soil – though sand, peat, and river silt are included there.

Whether the matter of rocks. Their account goes to many dozens. Dear cobblestones are the basis of the economy of the fortress of the Dvorfs. Metal ores go to smelting. Bubiles interspersed with crafts and precious stones will fall on the table of a jeweler. Cox will make coal, and they will melt the melting furnaces. Gypsum breed of trampling into powder for fixing fractures. And from non -so useful breeds will make doors, tables, pots for food, mechanisms and workshop buildings.

► Orders are distributed through the manager: you make an order, the manager visits him, and the courtesy begins to work.

It is useless to describe the entire industry industry: it is incredibly extensive, and if you want to achieve sufficient autonomy, you will have to develop almost everything. In addition to that it is impossible by definition. There is no grass and there is nowhere to graze cattle – there will be no meat industry. Naked cliffs around instead of a forest – there will be no tree -processing industry, and the forest will have to be purchased from visiting caravans. The only understanding of all industries, all production and logistics nuances go away for many days. The fortress has no development ceiling, the longer you play, the more you will find ways to enrich and protect it.

And the more distinctly you will see the web of the relationship. A gateway for magma must be made of refractory breed. Drinking water in the well is only running, otherwise any drop of blood will poison the entire tank. You will find that the sale of an artifact is very upset by its creator, up to the confluence of in Tantrum – a fratricidal rabies that only your soldiers stop. And then you will be surprised why these wards are so badly sleeping, forgetting that noisy excavations go below three floors below. Each good strategy abounds with similar details, but only in Dwarf Fortress do they make up a significant part of the game itself.

Thanks to this, such a close and devoted community has developed around the game. I'm not talking about the quantity and quality of internal memes (Urist Makstepid, killer carp, atomic disintegrator, spiral tantrum and still abyss of others). And the community has collected collective wisdom in game Wikipedia, without which the development of the game is comparable to the development of space.

Bearded children

One of the main problems of any underground fortress is its inhabitants. The first seven settlers will turn into a population of several hundred beards over time: migrants will come from other Dvaty forts, kids will be born and grow up, a bearded nobility will be settled, and there, you see, the king himself will move his yard to your den. And every yard is a person full of thoughts, desires and prejudices.

Of course, Dvorf and needs that are familiar to indirect control strategies: food, drink, sleep. But their satisfaction is almost unlimited. One bearded man is on the floor, because he did not have enough bed, and accumulates gloomy thoughts. The other is pushed on a bed of ginkgo wood, inlaid by a dragon bone and opals, and rejoices more and more rejoices in life.

Such thoughts arise among the Dvorfs for any reason, including events in the family, relations with colleagues and neighbors. Even a simple job can please or upset a yard. You can describe social mechanics until the morning, but I will try to express it with one example. Beardaches, who have not left the fortress for a long time, will receive a charge of sadness, barely seeing the sun – because cave adaptation has come.

► Soldiers spend most of the time in training, which is incredibly happy. And during breaks they can return to civil matters for a while.

The https://sister-site.org/virgin-games/ longer you play, the more your fortress risks, and every danger threatens to turn into another story for your piggy bank. Once vampires and werewolves will come to visit, and if the second is easy to break, then the bloodsucker is almost no different from the dwarf. With a lack of witnesses of his atrocities – and the game has a simple system of justice and imprisonment – the vampire’s visit will turn into a middle hand detective.

The fortress is covered with fun

There will be sieges. How you smash a gold mine, so greedy goblins smash you. And to collect and arm the militia is one of the most difficult tasks for the young fortress. It is necessary to forge swords, to teach warriors, and select the barracks. Combat mechanics is not amenable to manual control, but it contains tons of all kinds of techniques and there is no HP scale – only parts of the body, only hardcore. I hope you have stored soap for disinfection and threads for seams. If not, then not all warriors will celebrate their triumph.

The farther, the stupid and funny you are able to destroy your fortress: from an inaccuated fluid deficiency to total flooding by magma. At this time, and you come to the idea of ​​how true the folk wisdom “lose fun!", Because only the most epic, most grandiose failures give birth to your personal annals. But I do not consider a focused desire for death the only entertainment. Even in the most peaceful fortress there are adventures that you want to remember.

And if you settled in a dangerous area … Say, if a necromancer besieges you, it would be better not to see your warehouse with oysters, otherwise there will be a story about the king, cut by dead shells in your collection.

► seven tabs, almost a dozen of different sores on each.

And the longer the game remains in development, the more mechanic in it. More and more options for "fun" are possible. Therefore, the review on this site you will most likely not see. Dwarf Fortress is making two enthusiasts, Tarn and Zach Adamsa, they live on generous donations of fans (up to eight thousand dollars a month!) and do not intend to stop. Ten years in alpha, fifteen centuries – development, and before the release … Why is it needed? To solemnly release version 1.00.00 and cut the ribbon?

The most monstrous flaw of the game – the threshold of entry – will never be fixed. DWARF FORTRESS graphics will definitely not make money, and the management promises to bring to mind a very, very long time ago. However, ASCII has its advantages. The first days of the eyes will be bleeding (and you still read guides), but the imagination will draw the most impressive paintings. If you need it, of course. Not everyone loves when the game leaves you alone with yourself and with a set of instruments, even exclusively rich.

* * *

I have more and more crucified about the value of the game as a generator of stories and a specific “fun” (in the language of the yard “fun” means a terrible disaster). But Dwarf Fortress is allowed to play as you like. For example, in adventure mode, the game turns into "Horned". You can still simply neatly and peacefully learn the fortress. Or to embody crazy ideas, like a huge tower from dragon soap or dining room in hell. Yes, and no one prevents you to let everything on its own and see what happens.

But I warned you. When you play it properly, your friends will have to be tight: you torture them with your incredible stories about the misadventures of the yard.

Devil May Cry 5 Devil. Crying on a torn hand

DMC: Devil May Cry 2013 – restarting the "classic" series of Devil May Cry from third -party developers Ninja Theory – I collected well very conflicting reviews. Fans of the classics scolded her on what the light is: Dante is an ugly, and the combat system is not sweet, and the surroundings are all some kind of too British. But those who did not experience a special pet to the series, the game very much even went in plot, and battings, and setting. As a result, everyone remained with their own opinion.

But the next, fifth, part of such disputes, most likely, will not cause. Firstly, because the development has gone again Capcom (Ninja Theory studio bought Microsoft , But this is a completely different story). And secondly, even with the distinct craving of the creators to preserve the “classics”, something from the DMC style in Devil May Cry 5 still leaked. And I had very much to the place – so the project, most likely, will please both.

The fall of alternative London

The plot of the fifth part will tell about the invasion of monsters into the city of Red-Grave, where a giant demonic tree with the difficult-readable name Qliphoth suddenly grew up. It was from there, as it turned out, and the evil spirits drove. What the enemies need from the townspeople, we learn after the release, while – at least in the demo for Xbox One – the main tools of communication with uninvited guests are a sword, a gun and mechanical hands.

All iconic types of weapons on the spot. By the way, most of the trunks were designed by the grandmother of our new acquaintance, Niko

Although there will be three heroes in the fifth of the fifth, while the gameplay is available for only one – dug out since the time DMC4 Nero. The demonic hand was torn off somewhere in the interval between the events of the fourth and fifth units, and even during this time he managed to establish a branch of the demon hunting agency, which is based in the old van. His new fighting girlfriend Nico, playing the role of a local warehouse, also lives there: her task is to collect super -technological gadgets from the rubbish.

It was Nico who designed for Nero a whole pile of spare hands with various functions and the general name “Devil Breakers”. One hand slows down time, the second makes a penetrating supervas, the third works like a circular saw – and so on. In battle, hands are naturally “spent”, disappearing for good, and exactly in the order in which they are collected in the stack. You need a flamethrower, and he is the third in line? Well, first you have to use and throw away the other two "circus".

In the demo of the spare limbs, four pieces were allowed to wear with them, although it is possible that as they pump them, they can be dragged in completely wholesale. New hands in return used to gather right on the battlefield. Hearing the question of where they come from there, the developers at first smiled politely: they say, far from everything in this series is subordinated to formal logic. But then, under a reproachful look, everyone explained that Nico scatters his hands in the path of the hero, anticipating in advance when they would come in handy. So -so justification, but from the game about demons from the underworld and it makes no sense to expect superrealism.

If there are still not enough “twisted” “circus”, then in red telephone booths you can call Niko with a van to quickly buy fresh hands. https://sister-site.org/spacewin-casino/ In addition to eight basic varieties, the game has already been declared several special, including Megamen's gun, Pasta Breaker with a four -toe fork at the end and a vibrating hand from soft materials that relieves pain and cures wounds. Or maybe something else can ..

Who is like that?

In addition to Nero, among the playable characters will not need to be represented by Dante, as well as a beginner – a mysterious thin type named V (“VI” as “Vendetta”). After the release of the trailer, it turned out that the hero is damn like Adam Driver in the role of Kylo Ren if Japanese animators painted him. And also-that for some reason he wants to take away the Sword of Spardy from Dante. But what kind of motives, he has good or evil – we will learn from the game.

In fact, the appearance of Vi is not written off from Adam Driver, but from a Model guy named Owen Hamzi

In the battle, Vi relies not on gross power, but on a magic book and three famillard demons: shadow, griffin and nightmare, who do dirty work for him. The shadow takes on a close battle, the griffin – distant, but the nightmare acts “Ulta”: he flopes on the battlefield, sprinkles in all directions with powerful blows and shoots a demonic laser. In addition, Vee owns a bunch of spells, and in which case it is capable and simply to heat someone with a cane. Although, judging by the description on the official website, this is not very effective.

To such a non -standard set of skills to get used to. But the game behind Dante promises to be quite familiar: in addition to the sword and pistols, he is also armed with a couple of circular saws, which, as if in "Transformers" , Fold in a motorcycle. Paphos and madness from the series have not gone anywhere.

Dante's image is now like a drunken detective from noir films

Under each of the three characters, their levels are allocated: to choose for whom to pass, you will not have to. The faces of the lady and Trish also flashed in the trailer, but they were not declared as playable characters – in any case, while. Most likely, a separate DLC will appear for them, as has already happened in the series. And then, you look, and Virgil will pull up.

Finely chop, mix, ready

The combat system is still closer to what we saw in the third or fourth units of Devil May Cry. There is no change of weapons through the clamping of trigger, and the pace of battles is a little slower, but the blows themselves are more weighty. In the demo for Xbox, they let the streets run, and in the end – to fight with one of the bosses. The battle consisted of several phases and turned out to be moderately hardcore: not as unobtrusive as in the DMC, but not as evil as in the third part. Just somewhere in the middle.

At the same time, for those who do not want to teach combinations, the Auto-Ssist mode is provided: when it is turned on, the battle can be reduced to rhythmic presses of a single button. The hero himself will alternate blows, jump, move between enemies and spectacularly chop them into cabbage.

At the levels, as expected, a lot of secrets is scattered – do not forget to twist your head and look into those angles from which the camera diligently turns away. By the way, it can also be configured so that she constantly monitors the enemy. But, apparently, in the DMC5 they left the old mechanics, according to which the enemy, which ended up outside the field of view, ceases to attack you. So excessive curiosity may work and to the detriment.

The Devil May Cry series clearly returns to the origins, but takes into account the positive experience of its temporary “deputy”. Well, why is it a sin to hide, some of the DMC developers have joined the new team. From my point of view, this is only for the better, so we are waiting for a game with a vengeance. She should go out on March 8, 2019.