We exchange I love you’s, live together, and we had been planning to stay together after she finishes school until

We exchange I love you’s, live together, and we had been planning to stay together after she finishes school until

You didn’t do anything wrong with that email. The first step is to get a hold of yourself and regain composure. You are on the right track. All the best.

Kevin honduran brudar kostar, me and my ex were dating for 5 years until in 2013 I made the horrible mistake of cheating on her, I realized that mistake and gave her space and about 4 months later we got back together, I messed up and hung out with the same girl again and my gf found out about it again and now we have broken up. she says she is confused and doesnt know what to do and needs space. what should I do?

Hi Kevin, My girlfriend and I have been together 20 months. I’m 29, recently finished grad school. She’s 20, and a college senior.

I never met anyone in person or physically cheated. Continue reading “We exchange I love you’s, live together, and we had been planning to stay together after she finishes school until”